Nutrition plays a part in optimum hair growth.The secret is to eat your staple diet and make adjustments around this.
A diet that is going to be successful needs to be based on staple foods that one eats, that is low in fat, salt and sugar and rich in minerals. It also needs to have vitamins, protein, fibre, carbohydrate and Omega 3 oils for healthy hair. Ideally, the diet should be 70% alkaline (fruits and vegetables) foods, emphasising on Pitta pacifying food. According to Ayurveda, it is thought that in Hair loss, Pitta energy is out of balance, therefore this needs to be balanced with the correct foods, in order to help healthy growth of hair.
Good health is maintained by the balancing of three subtle energies known as doshas. These three doshas are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
According to Ayurveda – hair thinning and hair loss is due to an imbalance of Pitta energies in our body.
Pitta energy is also responsible for metabolism in the organs, tissue systems and cellular metabolism, premature hair loss and hair thinning. When any of the doshas (Vata, Pitta or Kapha) accumulate in excess of our “norm” we need to reduce the dosha that has become excessive.
Excess Pitta energy in the sebaceous gland, at the root of the hair, or folliculitis can cause a weakened hair. The Ayurvedic theory is to reduce or pacify the Pitta energy. Pitta foods are generally spicy or create heat in the body in digesting them.
For a list of best foods to eat contact us
Role of Vitamins in keeping hair healthy and maintaining existing hair growth
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