Who would benefit from Nutrigro Capsules?
Nutrigro® Capsules would help those men and women who are concerned about the look of their hair, its condition and for those who are affected by age or hormone related changes. The capsules are vegetarian and can be taken by all adults as they give the nutritional support for growth of existing hair. For best results use the Nutrigro® products and follow the Nutrigro® Plan.
How many do I take daily?
Take two capsules daily. They are best taken after meals to reduce chances of nausea which sometimes happens when capsules are taken on an empty stomach.
Can I take Nutrigro with other medicines and vitamins?
Yes you can as Nutrigro Capsules only contain regular daily recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. They are only food supplements and they are free of drugs or hormones. If you do have any allergies or are on any medication it is wise to seek professional advice before taking Nutrigro Capsules.
Are there any side effects with Nutrigro capsules?
Nutrigro Capsules do not have any known side-effects when the recommended dosage is taken. In case of overdose seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist. Diabetics should consult their doctor before taking these capsules.
After how long will I see benefits?
The hair cycle takes months and therefore beneficial effects of the botanicals, protein, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids would build over many months. You can take the Nutrigro Capsules on a long term basis for best hair. The Nutrigro Serum helps strengthen the hair so it is more brittle resistance. Gradually less will be seen in the hair brush after combing. The Nutrigro Shampoo also helps strengthen the hair and makes the hair more fuller looking. In independent tests, 90% felt their hair was stronger after using the Nutrigro hair products after 2 months.
How does the Nutrigro Scalp Roller help?
The Nutrigro® Scalp Roller Treatment is an innovative therapy for hair loss and hair thinning. It consists of the Nutrigro® Scalp Roller and the Nutrigro® Serum. The Red LED Roller is a hand held device with 0.3mm needles which when rolled over the scalp stimulates the hair follicles as it allows greater penetration of the serum to the follicles. It encourages greater blood flow and nutrients to the scalp and increases collagen production to strengthen hair and hair follicles.
Do I need to use the Nutrigro Serum, Shampoo and Conditioner too?
It depends on what the problem with the hair or scalp is. If it is breaking when combing use the Nutrigro Serum too. Use the Nutrigro Shampoo and Nutrigro Conditioner as an alternative to harsh chemical hair products that fill up supermarket shelves. The Nutrigro Serum is scientifically designed with botanical complexes to keep the hair rigid and break resistant and help to clear the build up of dead cells around the follicles allowing growth of existing hair. The formulation is rich in vitamins and minerals to help maintain the growth of existing hair. The Nutrigro Shampoo contains essential nutrients to help maintain a healthy scalp and existing hair growth. It nourishes and protects leaving hair looking and feeling thicker, beautifully clean and healthy. It contains no harsh chemicals, SLS or dyes, synthetic fragrances and is environmentally friendly. It is advisable to use a shampoo such as Nutrigro Shampoo rather than the harsh commercial chemical laden shampoos. In an independent trial 90% felt their hair was stronger after using the Nutrigro Shampoo. The Nutrigro Conditioner repairs, hydrates and helps maintain healthy growth of existing hair. It contains Fenugreek which has been traditionally used for healthy hair. It contains no harsh chemicals, SLS or dyes, synthetic fragrances and is environmentally friendly.

What if I am already taking Iron?
If you are already taking iron capsules and these are helping the hair growth then you need not take any other supplement. If they are not it may be that you are missing out on some of the amino acids (protein), vitamins or minerals. In this case the Nutrigro Capsules may be more useful. If you are on any medication, just like with all food supplements, it is advisable to check with your Doctor or Pharmacist before taking them.
Can diet help and what should I eat?
In Ayurveda a person is seen as a unique individual made up of all the five primary elements. The five elements are: ether (space), air, fire, water and earth. If one looks at nature we find that this too is made up of these five elements: water, land (earth), surrounded by air and space (a vacuum) and fire (from the sun).This is why we are considered part of the cosmic nature of life.
The food we eat and the weather around us are two examples of these elements. Though we are made up of these five elements, certain elements have an ability to mix together to create various physiological functions. Ether and air combine to form an energy that is known in Ayurveda as the Vata energy or dosha. Vata is responsible for the principle of movement. It can be seen as the force, which directs nerve impulses, blood circulation, respiration (breathing), and elimination (of waste). When fire and water elements combine they form the Pitta dosha or energy. This dosha is responsible for the process of transformation or metabolism- breaking down of food into nutrients for example.
Pitta energy is also responsible for metabolism in the organs, tissue systems and cellular metabolism, premature hair loss and hair thinning. When the elements water and earth combine they form the Kapha dosha. Kapha energy is responsible for growth and protection – stomach mucosal lining and cerebral-spinal fluid that protects the brain and spinal column are all types of Kapha energy. Although each of us have all the three doshas or energies – the ratios of the doshas vary in each individual. This makes us all unique. When any of the doshas (vata, pitta or kapha) accumulate in excess of our “norm” we need to reduce the dosha that has become excessive. Herbal supplements may accelerate the process of removing these toxins. Excess Pitta energy in the sebaceous gland, at the root of the hair, or folliculitis can make the person start losing hair. We need to reduce or pacify the Pitta energy.
How many different tastes of foods are there and should we have them all in our diet? The answer is yes whilst attempting to reduce the pitta energy. Sweet – wheat, milk, dates, rice. Sour – yoghurt, tamarind, lemon. Salty – salt, kelp. Pungent – onion, radish, chilly. Bitter – bitter melon, rhubarb root. Astringent – pomegranate, apples.
Which foods should be avoided as they increase pitta energy in the body?
Excessive intake of tea, coffee, salt, alcohol, meats (particularly red), pickles, yoghurt, cheese and excessive smoking. Eating too many fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods also aggravates pitta.
To counteract pitta energy your diet should contain more green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts.
*Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, cereals, yeast, wheat germ, soybean and vitamin A.
*Take cool or warm but not steaming hot foods
*Bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes
*Use less butter and added fat. Consume food with moderately heavy textures.
The Pitta energy or dosha is characterized by fire or heat- so eating cooling foods would be more beneficial. For a list of Pitta reducing food get our book Hair Today Hair Tomorrow
Can stress make you lose hair?
There are conflicting medical reports of whether stress makes you lose hair. What complicates matters is that hair loss due to stress is delayed by a few weeks to a few months- so was it stress that caused hair loss? Generally speaking it is not stress, but the ability to deal with stress that makes the difference in people losing hair due to stress. Learn how to deal with stress.
Does wearing a cap or hat cause hair loss?
Research shows that people with poor circulation due to tight caps or hats do not necessarily appear to be more likely to suffer from alopecia. It is only in a very small minority of people that this is seen. This may be due to impairment of blood flow in the scalp. Our advice is take caution in wearing tight caps and hats.
Does frequent shampooing cause hair loss?
Authorities recommend that care should be taken with fragile and thinning hair. Using natural, gentle, non-harsh chemical shampoos is better than harsh chemical shampoos. Any tangles of hair should be carefully separated making sure you are not pulling the hair. It is not the frequency you wash your hair that counts, but what shampoo and conditioner you use.
Do perms, colours and other cosmetic treatments cause permanent hair loss?
Some hair treatments can damage the hair and lead to hair thinning or loss – but the vast majority do not. So if you are experiencing hair loss after using perms or colourants then avoid them.
Does shaving the head make the hair grow back thicker?
Not true – in fact, if you are suffering from some types of hair loss such as Androgenetic Alopecia, this will actually just quicken your hair loss.
Do you lose more hair at certain times of the year?
Yes some do, according to a set of scientists. Circannual rhythms (physiological variations that occur in the same period of the year) can be described as a change in the level of hormones secreted by your body. Scientists believe that these fluctuations explain much pathology (the scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes) such as male pattern baldness. A study called the “Tromsø study” screened all inhabitants aged 25 years or older living in Tromsø (Norway) for their Testosterone blood levels over a period of time. The study showed that Testosterone reaches two peaks during the year, one in February-March and the other September-October.