Hair fall may be a traumatic experience! While losing up to 100 hair a day is normal, if you are exceeding this range – you need to take a close look at your daily lifestyle. Here are seven things that might be the major reasons behind your thinning locks!
1. Shampoo

First and foremost, it is really important to choose the right shampoo. Moreover, you need to wash your hair depending on your scalp. For instance, over washing hair with dry scalp can lead to hair fall, or not washing oily locks thrice a week can lead to the same.
Further, make sure the shampoo is not loaded with chemicals including sulphate, paraben, and silicone that can make your tresses brittle and hence, prone to breakage.
In the Nutrigro product range, you could find a shampoo that respect your hair and which are suitable for your hair.
– Nutrigro Shampoo for Dry Hair
– Nutrigro Shampoo for Greasy Hair
– Nutrigro Shampoo for Normal Hair
2. Conditioner
A good conditioner can work wonders for your locks. It contains amino acids that help to repair damaged hair, and also helps to keep them smooth.
Coolherbals Ltd also offers the Nutrigro Hair Conditioner which will be able to help your hair loss. This product contains especially Fenugreek which has been traditionally used for promoting healthy hair growth.
3. Diet and Exercise
No matter what product you are using, nothing can prove its worth if you are not eating a balanced diet and exercising side by side. Make sure to include lots of protein and iron in your daily intake. And yes, crash diets can be the nemesis for your hair.
Coming to exercise, yoga and meditation are great options to reduce hair fall.
4. Chemical Treatments
Undergoing rigorous chemical treatments like straightening, perming, colouring, etc, obviously, bombard your hair with chemicals and is not kind on them. Further avoid using blow dryers, curling rods, especially on wet hair as they actually boil the water in your hair shaft and make them brittle.
If you really need to use a blow dry, then keep it on the lowest heat setting. If using other products that heat your hair, start with a fortifying leave-in conditioner and finish with a protective spray.
It is at this time that the Nutrigro serum could help you. Indeed Nutrigro Hair Serum is designed to be used daily on the scalp. Scientifically formulated, it contains botanical complexes, which keep the hair rigid and break resistant and help to clear the build-up of dead cells around the follicles allowing growth of existing hair. The formulation is rich in vitamins and minerals to help maintain the growth of existing hair.
5. Oiling
Needless to say, oiling improves blood circulation and nourish the roots. Make sure to massage your tresses once a week with oil that suits your scalp. Cover it with a shower cap and wash it off with a mild shampoo after two hours.
Coolherbals offers two different oils which could help you :
– The Coolherbals Vata Oil nourishes hair and skin. The combination of Sesame, Bhringaraj and Rosemary oil keeps hair and skin moisturized. Suitable for dry hair.
– Coolherbals Pitta Oil cooling the body and scalp. It is particularly useful in thinning hair, hair falling or greasy hair. It contains Sandalwood, Coconut, Sunflower and Bhringaraj oils. Suitable for greasy hair.
Or you could use also Coolherbals Spa Hair Masque. Indeed it contains mineral-rich Gopichand Clay in a marine extract base Its use will allow you to nourish and repair your hair.
6. Get Regular Trims
Hair tends to be the most damaged near the tips, and a good trim in every six to eight weeks can help solve your woes. Damaged hair has straw-like texture, and can be chopped off to promote growth and remove split ends.
7. Stress
Stress is one of the root causes of a lot of health problems, including hair loss. It can also disrupt the process of hair growth and lead to premature graying. Again, meditation and yoga on regular basis can prove to be a good stress buster.
To fight the stress we advise you the ayurvedic massages. If you do not know this method you have the possibility to obtain all the information you need in the book “Secret of how to do Ayurvedic massages head to toe” by Ravi & Sushma Bhanot.