Best Foods for Healthy Hair

Best Foods for Healthy Hair

We all love long and healthy hair and there are many factors which can affect the growth of your hair. We tend to try different shampoos and other medications for hair in order to have a healthy growth and reduce hair fall.
Have you ever thought that food can also affect your hair and its growth? Diet plays an important role in hair growth because a lack of nutrients can obstruct hair growth and make them dull.
Having a balanced diet can help promote your hair growth and reduce hair loss due to lack of nutrients. Here are few foods that can help you have all the nutrients required by the hair and helps in keeping your hair healthy.

1. Berries

Best Foods for Healthy HairThe colourful and delightful berries are loaded with vitamin C which helps in promoting hair growth due to its antioxidant properties. These antioxidants protects the hair follicles from the free radicals which are present in the body and in the environment.

2. Avocados

Avocados consist of Vitamin E and Vitamin C which plays vital role in hair growth. Vitamin E helps in protecting the scalp from oxidative stress and damage. Scalp care is important to improve hair quality and hair growth. And Vitamin C helps in reducing the oxidative stress by combating with the free radicals.

3. Spinach

This green leafy vegetable is packed with iron, vitamins A&C, folate which improves hair growth. Spinach is a iron source which is essential for hair growth. It helps in the flow oxygen throughout the body and improves growth and repair. Vitamin A helps in producing sebum which keeps the scalp moist and healthy.

4. Eggs

Eggs contain biotin and protein which helps in promoting hair growth. Protein is much required for hair growth as it helps in forming hair follicles. And biotin produces keratin (a hair protein) which helps in promoting hair growth.

5. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon, herring, and mackerel are rich sources omega-3 fatty acids, which helps in aiding hair growth. Omega-3 helps in increasing hair growth and reduces hair loss.

Tips to reduce hair loss in men and women

Tips to reduce Hair Loss

Tips to reduce Hair Loss

  • Use a detangling brush while combing your hair as it helps in reducing the hair fall especially when it’s damp.
  • Do not use heat producing tools on your hair such as straighteners, curling irons, hot rollers, etc.
  • Use a wide toothed comb to prevent hair loss.
  • Water is a good source to keep your hair healthy. Drinking four to eight glasses of water daily can promote healthy hair development.
  • Do not pull or tie your hair tight (rubber bands, braids, etc) as it can give lot of stress to the hair follicles which help to break. So, one should try to avoid them
  • Consuming right vitamins can benefit with healthy hair. Vitamin E helps in increasing blood circulation and keeps the hair follicles active. Vitamin A increases the sebum production in the scalp and Vitamin B helps to keep your hair healthy and strong.

Are Dermal rollers good for your hair?

Dermal rollers are used to stimulate hair growth. These are the devices with microneedles in them that penetrates the skin and helps in effective hair growth. The microneedles helps to increase the blood flow to scalp i.e oxygen supply to the scalp and hair follicles resulting in hair growth.

Nutrigro Scalp Roller Kit for Thinning Hair


Microneedling also known as collagen induction therapy. It is a cosmetic procedure. It is a process of pricking the skin and scalp with tiny sterilized needles. The micro injuries cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and scalp.

Use Nutrigro Scalp Roller Kit for Thinning Hair

The Nutrigro Scalp Roller Treatment is an innovative therapy for hair loss and hair thinning. It consists of the Nutrigro Scalp Roller and the Nutrigro Serum. The Red LED Roller is a hand held device with 0.3mm needles which when rolled over the scalp stimulates the hair follicles as it allows greater penetration of the serum to the follicles.

Can Yoga Promote Hair Growth?

Adho mukha savasana
  • Yoga is a spiritual discipline which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and soul. The name yoga is derived from Sanskrit. There are several asanas in yoga and each one of them helps you building strength of your body.


  • The yoga asanas or postures helps in improving blood circulation which can release the toxins from your body. Doing yoga daily can benefit you in many ways including weight loss, hair loss, heart diseases and other conditions.


  • In this article let us focus on how yoga can help you in preventing hair fall.


  • Doing Yoga asanas helps to reduce cortisol levels which are associated with stress levels, an important factor for hair loss. Yoga also helps to promote blood circulation to the head making the cells receive more oxygen and perform well. This is also good for your nervous system.


  • Yoga can treat some of the hair conditions which include Hair loss, Hair fall, Thinning hair, Premature greying, Stagnant hair regrowth.


  • Yoga poses which can promote hair growth are:
  • Adho mukha savasana (Downward Dog Pose)

    Adho mukha savasana

This is an upside V shaped asana. Being upside down can help increase the blood flow and oxygen to the scalp which reduce hair loss.


  • Maytsyasana (Fish pose)

    Maytsyasana (Fish pose)

In this pose you drop your head back which increases the blood flow throughout your head. This pose can also reduce anxiety and fatigue as it stimulates the muscles of abdomen.


  • Uttasana (Standing Forward Bend)

    Uttasana (Standing Forward Bend)
    Uttasana (Standing Forward Bend)

This is a forward fold pose. It stretches the back and legs and helps in encouraging blood flow to the scalp.

Be cautious of your wet hair

Wet hair is more fragile than normal hair. “When your hair is wet with water, the hair shaft expands. This lifts up the top layer of the hair. To stop hair from breaking do not brush your hair when wet. The extra stress from brushing may break the hair follicles.” says Ravi Bhanot, author of Hair Today Hair Tomorrow. It would be better to brush your hair before shampooing. You can towel dry your wet hair if it gets tangled. You can also use a de-tangling brush to avoid the breakage of your hair. You can also try apply a mild hair Conditioner and leave to work in the hair for a few minutes.

How to take care of your blonde hair in the summer

blond hair

Whether you’ve got dyed hair or you are a natural blonde, your locks need special attention during the summer monthsWithout special care, your hair will suffer from contact with the ultraviolet rays, wind, excessive temperatures, pollution, the salty water of the sea or the chlorine in the pool water.

To help keep your blond as bright and vibrant as possible, we are sharing some tips, rules and tricks you need to keep in mind.

For lasting brilliance

To keep your hair shiny, but also silky, rely on the effectiveness of a dry hair – conditioner leave-in spray. With this special care product, your hair will reflect light from any angle.

The secret of bottled water

If your locks are dyed, you already know that the high chlorine dose in the pool can leave unsightly traces. If you soak your hair with water in advance, you will be protected and your hair will not absorb the chemicals.

Moderation is the key

If you are used to washing your hair very often, you risk removing the natural oils that are essential to its health.

To prevent water from washing away your vibrant colour, the answer is simple: wash your hair less often – every 4 to 5 days and in the days between washes, use a dry shampoo to refresh and maintain colour. Make sure it is formulated specifically for blond hair.

shampoo, conditioner and serum set
The formulation we recommend to use for hair that is thinning and fragile is in Nutrigro® Conditioner. It contains a natural emollient and hair building substances, an anti-fungal and bactericidal with our Nutrigro® complex – an herbal mixture to strengthen hair.

The power of natural products

You certainly know what happens after a few days of sun exposure: blonde hair gets an unpleasant and not at all fond of orange. The natural products like shampoos, serums and oils are the perfect solution. They will protect the hair and make it more resistant.

Why not try: Coolherbals Nutrigro® Serum, Shampoo and Conditioner Set:
Coolherbals Nutrigro® Serum
Coolherbals Nutrigro® Shampoo
Coolherbals Nutrigro® Conditioner

Intense hydration

The word of summer is, without a doubt, hydration. And again moisture! Argan or other essential oil hair masks play an important role in maintaining beautiful and healthy looks. For extra shine, pamper your colour-treated locks once a week with a deep-conditioning treatment. Apply the treatment to damp hair and comb it through from roots to tips. Before you get out of the house, spray your hair or use a protective oil. Avoid sun’s harmful effects by using a UV-protected spray. This will keep the colour from fading and keep the hair moisturised.

Why not try: Coolherbals Kapha Oil. Using Kapha Oil will make your hair thicker and healthier as the combination of mustard, clove and oil prevent your hair from hair loss keeping it moisturised.

Break from the salon

We know you do not like the darker roots, but you also have to take into account the harmful effects of excess chemicals on your hair: scalp irritation and weakening of the hair. It would be ideal to return to the beauty centre once every 10-12 weeks for maintenance.



Yoga asanas that help with hair growth

As the world is celebrating International Yoga Day on the 21 June let us take a look at some of the amazing benefits this ancient practise has on your overall health and especially your hair.

Yoga is all about balancing your body and mind, by leading a healthy life, eating the right foods and exercising on a weekly basis. Hair loss and hair thinning are common problems and with the fear of becoming bald lurking on the corner of the mind, we are willing to try every solution offered to us as long as it has proven results. Yoga is one such options and can work perfectly as long as you adopt a healthy lifestyle and the correct diet.

Yoga poses that help with hair growth

1.Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward facing dog pose or Adho Mukha Shvanasana is an asana that helps to stretch and strengthen back muscles, improves digestion, tones hands and feet and improves circulation. There is a reversal in the pull of gravity, so fresh blood flows will reach your scalp and hair sustaining the health of your locks.

2. Uttanasana

Uttanasana, Intense Forward-Bending Pose, Intense Stretch Pose or Standing Head to Knees Pose has some amazing effects on the body. It heals and rejuvenates. In this asana, the head is below the heart, allowing for blood circulation in the head instead of the feet, giving the cells a rush of energizing oxygen and helping the hair stay healthy.

3. Vajrasana

Vajrasana is a kneeling pose and, usually, breathing exercises like Pranayama, Kapalabhati, and Anulon Vilom are done sitting in this position, making the body stronger. This asana improves digestion eliminating toxins that will be otherwise harmful to the body.

Keep in mind: some basic yoga asanas, pranayamas and hand gestures, improve digestion, reduce stress while enhancing blood circulation to the scalp and improve oxygen consumption by the cells supplying necessary nutrients to the hair.

4. Sarvangasana

This particular asana helps to nourish the thyroid gland and helps in rushing the blood to your brain, which is a very good treatment for stopping hair fall. It is also one of the healing yoga exercises for neck pain.

5. Sasangasana

In order to perform this asana you need to touch your crown to the ground, which helps the blood to flow to the head. Proper blood circulation to the scalp means healthy and strong hair making sasangasana a beneficial yoga asana for hair growth.

Try Yoga Techniques for Preventing Hair Fall

Kapalbhati Pranayama

This is a powerful pranayama breathing exercise that helps the brain receive more oxygen promoting the functions of the nervous system and removing toxins from the body.

Anulom Vilom

Also called Naadi Shodhan Pranayama this simple breathing technique helps to keep the lungs healthy and fight the free radicals produced due to stress. It promotes proper circulation throughout the body helping with the growth of healthy hair by nourishing the scalp.

Remember: all forward bending asanas enhance blood circulation in the head region and help in maintaining scalp hygiene and good hair.

Summer Tips For Healthy Hair

Summer is just around the corner and the strong sun, high temperatures and the humidity in the air will make our locks appear dry, hard to care for and arrange. Here are a few simple steps to keep your hair healthy and hydrated.

1.Wash your hair twice a week


Washing your hair daily in the summer can lead to it being dehydrated. During the warm season, it is recommended to wash the hair twice a week to allow hair to absorb the natural oils of the scalp. It is also important to choose a shampoo containing natural ingredients to add as many nutrients as possible to the locks. When possible, try to rinse your hair with cold water to straighten hair cuticles.

 2.Opt for natural products

During the warm season, the hair has a tendency to dehydrate, so it is best to limit the number of chemicals used to style and clean your hair such us commercial shampoos, chemical hair dyes and styling products.

Nutrigro natural products for healthy hair this summer. No mistakes, no hair problems

Nutrigro natural products for healthy hair. No mistakes, no hair problems

Choose to use natural hair care products with a high percentage of natural ingredients that will protect, moisturise and nourish your locks.

3. Stay away from the styling devices that use heat

Blow drying your hair is a common practice during winter days but in summer using heat might just do more damage than good. Take advantage of the warm days and allow your hair to breath and maintain its moisture. Give up your styling devices for a while and opt instead for simpler hairstyles, for which you do not need a dryer or a curler.

4. Do not skip on hydrating moisturising masks

Hair frequently exposed to heat regularly needs treatments that will intensely hydrate it. Use quality masks appropriate to your hair type, or choose to use homemade masks. Leave hair products to act for at least half an hour to get into dehydrated hair. To have a shiny healthy hair it’s not enough to apply moisturising products. Hydration is obtained to a large extent from inside, so make sure you drink enough fluids, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and take vitamins so the scalp skin is well hydrated and your hair grows healthy and beautiful. Water is always the best choice.

5. Do not forget to trim your hair regularly

During the summer it becomes almost obligatory to trim a few centimetres of hair once every 4-6 weeks. Hair can become burned and the only way to get rid of burned and degraded hair is to trim the affected locks otherwise the hair does not recover. Hair oils and hair serum are the perfect allies in the fight with split ends. Applied to clean, dry or wet hair, hair oils will provide protection throughout the day. Natural oils are also recognized for their beneficial effects on hair, including the prevention of split ends, improving hair thinning and dehydration.

Why not try:

Coolherbals Pitta OilCoolherbals Vata Hair Oil nourishes hair and skin on the summer days cooling the body and scalp. It is particularly useful in thinning hair, hair falling or greasy hair. It contains Sandalwood, Coconut, Sunflower and Bhringaraj oils. Suitable for greasy hair.

Coolherbals Vata Oil nourishes hair and skin. The combination of Sesame, Bhringaraj and Rosemary oil keeps hair and skin moisturized. Suitable for dry hair.

Coolherbals Kapha Oil nourishes your hair and skin. Using Kapha Oil will make your hair appear thicker. The combination of mustard, clove and oil prevent your hair from hair loss and it also keeps your skin moisturize and clean. Suitable for normal hair.



Hair Loss and the Hormonal Imbalance in Women

Hair Loss and the hormonal imbalance

Hair loss is widely spread and we all get affected by it at some point in our life. Normally the hair goes through 3 phases: the growth phase – an anagen phase of about 3 years that dictates the hair length, the catagen phase (the stagnation phase), lasting about 2-3 weeks and the last stage, the fall, known as telogenic phase, lasting for an average of 3 months. During all this time the hair is rising from the deep layers to the surface, so the hair strands that are programmed to fall are easily snapping off. Normally 10% of the hair is in this phase. When the percentage increases, we have an abnormal hair loss.

The hormonal imbalance. What to expect.

Hormones are one of the factors influencing the way our hair looks and behaves. This is why we lose hair after pregnancy, when suffering from a thyroid disease or when stopping the estrogen medication (eg, contraceptives). A particular type of hair loss that is located in the centre of the scalp, and not diffuse, is caused by the increase in the level of male hormones.

Oestrogen imbalance in women

New mothers. The decrease in oestrogen production after birth is quite common, but this phenomenon is often temporary, and hair growth can be stimulated by vitamin formulations prescribed by the doctor. So do not worry too much if your hair is falling after giving birth. Consult your GP and make sure you get the daily vitamins and minerals necessary for your body to cope with the changes you are getting trough.

Hair Loss and Vitamins For WomenMenopause. When the production of oestrogen is stopping – during the menopause – it creates a multitude of symptoms and disorders including hair loss. This phenomenon differs greatly from one woman to another, and any hormonal treatment that may not be well-dosed to prevent this shortcoming needs to be quickly remedied. In this case, you should check the treatment with your GP, adjusting the initial dose. In addition to hormonal treatment, your doctor can also prescribe a local lotion or vitamins to help with the hair loss.

Try the Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules. They help maintain healthy existing hair growth & follicular health for women over 35 years of age. The capsules are specifically designed for women that are approaching certain phases of life such as menopause or post-pregnancy where there is an imbalance in Oestrogen hormone.

Thyroid problems

A slowing down of the thyroid gland causes hair loss and hair thinning. Hair becomes very dry, losing its shine, breaking easily or having split ends. The good news is that this condition is not a permanent one. This shortcoming can be remedied by thyroid hormonal treatment. Make sure you have the correct

diagnose before taking any hormonal supplements and use as much as possible natural hair loss products designed to help with hair loss and hair thinning.


Hormonal imbalances, prolactin or cortisol imbalance can lead to hair loss. In cases of high prolactin imbalances hair loss and even the appearance of bald spots are an obvious symptom.

7 lifestyle changes to reduce hair fall

Hair fall may be a traumatic experience! While losing up to 100 hair a day is normal, if you are exceeding this range – you need to take a close look at your daily lifestyle. Here are seven things that might be the major reasons behind your thinning locks!

1. Shampoo

shampoo, conditioner and serum set
The formulation we recommend to use for hair that is thinning and fragile is in Nutrigro® Conditioner. It contains a natural emollient and hair building substances, an anti-fungal and bactericidal with our Nutrigro® complex – an herbal mixture to strengthen hair.

First and foremost, it is really important to choose the right shampoo. Moreover, you need to wash your hair depending on your scalp. For instance, over washing hair with dry scalp can lead to hair fall, or not washing oily locks thrice a week can lead to the same.
Further, make sure the shampoo is not loaded with chemicals including sulphate, paraben, and silicone that can make your tresses brittle and hence, prone to breakage.
In the Nutrigro product range, you could find a shampoo that respect your hair and which are suitable for your hair.
– Nutrigro Shampoo for Dry Hair
– Nutrigro Shampoo for Greasy Hair
– Nutrigro Shampoo for Normal Hair

2. Conditioner

A good conditioner can work wonders for your locks. It contains amino acids that help to repair damaged hair, and also helps to keep them smooth.
Coolherbals Ltd also offers the Nutrigro Hair Conditioner which will be able to help your hair loss. This product contains especially Fenugreek which has been traditionally used for promoting healthy hair growth.

3. Diet and Exercise

No matter what product you are using, nothing can prove its worth if you are not eating a balanced diet and exercising side by side. Make sure to include lots of protein and iron in your daily intake. And yes, crash diets can be the nemesis for your hair.
Coming to exercise, yoga and meditation are great options to reduce hair fall.

4. Chemical Treatments

Undergoing rigorous chemical treatments like straightening, perming, colouring, etc, obviously, bombard your hair with chemicals and is not kind on them. Further avoid using blow dryers, curling rods, especially on wet hair as they actually boil the water in your hair shaft and make them brittle.

If you really need to use a blow dry, then keep it on the lowest heat setting. If using other products that heat your hair, start with a fortifying leave-in conditioner and finish with a protective spray.

It is at this time that the Nutrigro serum could help you. Indeed Nutrigro Hair Serum is designed to be used daily on the scalp. Scientifically formulated, it contains botanical complexes, which keep the hair rigid and break resistant and help to clear the build-up of dead cells around the follicles allowing growth of existing hair. The formulation is rich in vitamins and minerals to help maintain the growth of existing hair.

5. Oiling

Kapha hair OilNeedless to say, oiling improves blood circulation and nourish the roots. Make sure to massage your tresses once a week with oil that suits your scalp. Cover it with a shower cap and wash it off with a mild shampoo after two hours.
Coolherbals offers two different oils which could help you :
– The Coolherbals Vata Oil nourishes hair and skin. The combination of Sesame, Bhringaraj and Rosemary oil keeps hair and skin moisturized. Suitable for dry hair.
– Coolherbals Pitta Oil cooling the body and scalp. It is particularly useful in thinning hair, hair falling or greasy hair. It contains Sandalwood, Coconut, Sunflower and Bhringaraj oils. Suitable for greasy hair.
Or you could use also Coolherbals Spa Hair Masque. Indeed it contains mineral-rich Gopichand Clay in a marine extract base Its use will allow you to nourish and repair your hair.

6. Get Regular Trims
Hair tends to be the most damaged near the tips, and a good trim in every six to eight weeks can help solve your woes. Damaged hair has straw-like texture, and can be chopped off to promote growth and remove split ends.

7. Stress
Stress is one of the root causes of a lot of health problems, including hair loss. It can also disrupt the process of hair growth and lead to premature graying. Again, meditation and yoga on regular basis can prove to be a good stress buster.
To fight the stress we advise you the ayurvedic massages. If you do not know this method you have the possibility to obtain all the information you need in the book “Secret of how to do Ayurvedic massages head to toe” by Ravi & Sushma Bhanot.