The most common myths about hair loss in men

The most common myths about hair loss in men

If your hair is starting to thin or you already have bald spots, you probably feel a strong desire to know exactly what the cause of your problem is. In this quest for information, you may find numerous myths and misconceptions about the causes, treatment, and hair loss in men that we would like to debunk.

Here are some of the most popular myths and the scientific explanations that contradict or support them.

Genes that cause hair loss come only from the mother

False. Although genetic inheritance from the mother is somewhat stronger, androgenetic alopecia can be inherited from both parents.

Bald men have a high level of testosterone

False. Hair loss is caused by an increased sensitivity of hair follicles – in certain areas of the scalp – to dihydrotestosterone which causes thinning of the hair follicle and not by high levels of testosterone.

You can determine if baldness is caused by genetic inheritance depending on the amount of hair falling out

False. Unlike popular belief, baldness is not due to the fall of a massive amount of hair, but rather due to the really small amount of hair that is being replaced periodically. In men who go bald, the fallen hair is gradually replaced by increasingly rare and thinner hair – a process called miniaturization.

Hair loss in men is caused by a decrease in blood flow from the scalp

False. When hair is growing, it needs an increased blood flow. Once you lose your hair, the scalp no longer needs the same amount of blood to support the hair growth process. Therefore, decreasing blood flow from the scalp is not a cause of hair loss, but rather a result of this process.

If you quit smoking you can avoid hair loss

False. Although several studies have confirmed the strong relationship between this harmful habit and the accentuation of hair loss, smoking alone is not the basis for hair loss. However, quit smoking and your overall health will be greatly improved.

Only men suffer from genetic hair loss

False. Hair loss is generally seen as a problem for men but women are also affected. In about 40% of women the hair will be thinner throughout their lives.

Hair looks thicker with Nutrigro natural hair loss products

To test whether Nutrigro natural hair loss products do work we put through an independent study…this is what we found…


To measure any change in volume of individual hair fibres after a single application of Nutrigro Shampoo and Serum formulation.


The samples comprised 10 lots of hair fibres from 10 different individuals. Shampoo and Nutrigro serum was also supplied. 10 hairs from five individuals were measured dry, washed and then treated with Nutrigro. The fibres were then re-measured and the volume change calculated.


10 hairs were randomly selected from five different people. Three measurements were then made (approximately in the middle region of the hair), around 1 mm apart. The hairs were then washed and the serum applied. The fibres were left to dry overnight (ambient temperature) and then re-measured in (approximately) the same region in order to calculate any volume increase. Finally, an SEM micrograph of the same fibre with treated and untreated regions was imaged in order to show a visual comparison of the volume increase.


Selected Hair Change in volume measured after serum treatment
Volume (µm3)*
Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5
Hair 1 41274.36 -181506.72 -260073 474103.08 -1485455.97
Hair 2 -104662.03 -158401.32 1224015.32 -1735356.29 300534.05
Hair 3 599631.01 436712.52 -1114307.32 -235757.39 -38772.37
Hair 4 -141211.75 70541.1 -233460.81 20955.78 394342.58
Hair 5 -587268.86 946954.35 61416.19 1412724.22 115811.21
Hair 6 372004.25 -236556.4 -1269996.82 -26594.98 -1084836.27
Hair 7 -81723.33 -65205.52 -629507.87 588764.48 349553.01
Hair 8 -32584.56 -1970906.81 -366117.04 54483.56 445723.01
Hair 9 488658.66 -664187.52 -278165.59 716909.23 700152.15
Hair 10 -94204.89 -419420.03 1452110.85 -69212.01 1047050.01
% hairs that showed increase (%success) 40% 30% 30% 60% 70%

The change in volume of hair before and after treatment is shown above – each figure is the mean average of three areas on each hair. Where negative values exist, this was attributed to natural variation in the thickness of the hair fibres, i.e. because the exact same area was not measured on the hair ‘after’ treatment, it was likely that this region was naturally thinner than the area measured ‘before’ treatment, hence the apparent reduction.

Figure 1 below shows a specific untreated region (covered with tape when the serum was applied)

– the diameter measures approximately 65 microns. Figure 2 is an area of the same fibre that has been subjected to the Shampoo and Serum – the diameter is approximately 90 microns (25 microns thicker).

Figure 1: Region from an untreated region. Diameter ca. 65 microns

The treated region from the same hair. Diameter ca. 90 microns

The result is the diameter increases from about 65 to 90microns.

Ravi Bhanot

For more information please email me

Recommended Haircuts For Men With Thinning Hair

Recommended Haircuts For Men With Thinning Hair

Like it or not male pattern baldness is basically inevitable, with 66 percent of guys in their 30s losing their hair, and 85 percent partially bald by the time they are 55 years old. If you have reached that point in your life when hair loss or hair thinning has become a major factor in the way you look, we have picked up a few ideas from on how to look your best when going bald.

Five of the best haircuts for thinning hair

1. Shaved. Well, let’s just say that if it works for Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel it will work for you. Shaving all your hair might seem like a bold move and even a scary one but there is freedom in it. Confidence is the key so embrace your baldness and be the best version of yourself you’re meant to be.

2.Tapered sides. Keeping the top of your hair longer and tapering the sides can in some cases help understate your hairline while giving the illusion of fuller hair. Ask your stylist to try this haircut the next time you pay him a visit and see how it looks. You might be surprised at the end result. Furthermore, try growing a beard as it will always divert peoples attention from your hair and make them focus on your face instead. To make the top of your hair stay up to use a blow dryer and even a small dab of wax to give it some texture.

3.Finger – length cut. Keeping your hair an inch long gives you enough hair to work with and makes it look like you have more hair than you actually do. The finger – length cut is basically just a longer version of a buzz cut that’s the same length all around –about one inch all over. It is perfect if the hair above your temples is receding, leaving you with a defined peninsula of hair in the middle, just like Jude Law.

4.Combed over. Okay, so we are not talking Donald Trump style or old-school combed over style where you brush over a couple strands of hair to cover a giant bald patch at the top of your head. The combed over style we are referring to works for receding temples and/or a thinning top, and is a nice look where the top is longer than the sides to create the illusion of fullness, and swept over to one side — almost like a side part, but less defined. Use a blow dry to the side and use some wax to keep in place and you should be looking perfect in no time.

Menopause and Hair Loss

Every woman experiences different menopause symptoms. Many women have some hot flushes, some have hair thinning or hair falling and some feel irritable, suffer from headaches, nausea or night sweats. Try our Nutrigro Plan – to help symptoms. 

N – nutrition 

U – use non-harsh hair products which do not have sodium lauryl sulfate (which causes irritation in some) and have natural herbs for healthy hair such as fenugreek (methi) and amla 

T – train or exercise daily to improve blood circulation to the head 

R – routinely remove toxins from your body through ayurvedic or Swedish massage scraping the tongue every morning and night, exercise etc 

I – Imagine the hair you want. Research shows  there is more chance of having the hair you desire if you can imagine how you want it to look. 

GRO– this gives the growth of existing hair 

Nutritionally we would recommend you increase oestrogen rich foods and reduce intake of what we call Pitta foods. In Ayurveda, we say there are three energies in the body – vata, pitta and kapha. The pitta energy adds heat and an imbalance in the scalp can cause hair loss and hair thinning.  

Pitta reducing foods include salads, less spicy foods and vegetables. Oestrogen rich foods are:   

1.Tofu, Soy, Fruits, and Vegetables 

Hair loss and menopauseSome fruits and vegetables have phytoestrogens – plant chemicals that are very similar in structure to oestrogen, and may act as weak oestrogen in our bodies. The mineral boron holds the body’s ability to hold onto oestrogen. Eat more plums, prunes, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, pears, grapes, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, and onions. 

2. Eat Beans and Flax Seeds  

Beans and Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens and are a good source of many vitamins and minerals, including calcium, folic acid, and vitamin B6. Sprinkle beans on your salads. Take ¼ to 1 teaspoonful daily. 

The body tends to lose protein or collagen causing the hair to fall or become thinner. Supplement your protein with omega-rich fish. However, if you are on a vegetarian diet have plenty of pulses and nuts.  

Alternatively, you could give hair food to your hair and hair follicles through hair supplements. Ensure they have all the 22 amino acids that make protein, vitamins, minerals, and botanicals such as amla and fenugreek in them. 

If you are like Ella from Leicester, who rang us after reading our previous hair loss article, and have hair just dropping when you have a shower or on your pillow it may be that you need to strengthen the hold of the hair to the follicle. This you can do this through the latest technique that we have developed called the Nutrigro Hair Thinning kit. Simply roll a scalp roller with small 0.3mm pins along the areas of hair thinning. This will cause small temporary holes to be created and allow the Nutrigro serum to get to the follicles rather than just working on the scalp as most hair products do. For more information contact us.

10 Hair Myths Debunked. Part II

Expert DOs to help with hair loss

Ever wonder which of the hair myths are really true and which are not? This time we have chosen 10 and exposed the reality of our most common mistakes regarding hair care.

1. Stress causes hair loss
True. Stress can affect the nourishment, growth or hair restoration. During periods of stress, the hair falls more, but, after regaining the psychic comfort, the hair recovers. Keep in mind that hair loss due to stress is temporary.

2. If you pluck a white hair, two will grow in its place
False. It’s just a superstition, and it’s a bad habit. By plucking your hair, you damage the root and predispose the scalp to infections. So spread the word around – plucking the hair won’t make it grow back thicker, on the contrary, you will only cause damage to the scalp.

3. Smoking leads to white hair
True. Although the hereditary factors play an important role in this process, studies have shown that the risk of premature greying of hair is four times higher for the smokers. The toxins accumulated in the body because of smoking also contribute to hair loss.

4. Cold water makes the hair shinier
False. Cold water closes the cuticles and the hair will be more orderly, straight and easier to style, but it does not make it shine. Lemon juice or vinegar added in water to rinse it has this effect.

5. Some shampoos cause dandruff

shampoo, conditioner and serum set
The formulation we recommend to use for hair that is thinning and fragile is in Nutrigro® Conditioner. It contains a natural emollient and hair building substances, an anti-fungal and bactericidal with our Nutrigro® complex – an herbal mixture to strengthen hair.

False. Dandruff is given by a fungus and has no connection with the shampoo you are using. Also, do not mistake the white flakes as a result of a drying scalp (those small and white peelings) with dandruff. The difference is that dandruff is seen on the hair and is in a large quantity, and the scales are on the scalp. The dried skin of the scalp can be treated with proper hydration and appropriate treatment for your type of hair.

Check out Nutrigro Natural Dry Hair Shampoo and Conditioner here.

6. Excessive washing leads to hair loss
False. Although dermatologists recommend to wash it two times a week, you can do it whenever needed. Scalp cleansing does not lead to hair loss or drying, just an excess of sebum due to excessive rubbing.

7. More shampoo means a cleaner hair
False. The amount of shampoo needed to wash your hair is the size of a raspberry. You can use any kind of shampoo you want, as long as it is for your type of hair ( normal, oily, dry) but choose a good quality one as these are better for your hair. Wet your hair well before applying the shampoo, rinse out, then (ideally) apply a natural conditioner and rinse that out too.

8. Hair falls because you always straighten it 
False. Heat damages burns or dries the hair, which sometimes leads to hair loss, but the hair you have lost will be quickly replaced. When the hair falls massively, the cause is not your styling devices. Try looking into a hormonal imbalance, a nutritional deficiency or a hereditary cause.

9. Conditioner restores the split ends
False. No product fixes split ends. The conditioner smoothes the cuticle of the hair and the split ends won’t look so splintered. It’s best to care for your hair daily in order to prevent split ends than try to fix the problem afterward. The quickest solutions to split ends it’s a trip to your hairdresser for a trim and a hydrating treatment.

10. Cut the hair regularly and it grows faster
False. The hair is thicker towards the ends than at the root – that’s why it looks thicker when it’s short. Hair cutting does not influence the growth or change the texture of the hair, but it keeps it healthy and the ends are smooth.


7 mistakes we make when washing our hair

Washing our hair seems easy but it is also a procedure that, when done incorrectly, will compromise the health and appearance of our locks. Common signs? Excess sebum, excessive drying of hair or the lack of volume are usually the common consequences of inappropriate hair care.

Our specialists are recommending some safe steps to wash the hair properly and to ensure the beauty and shine of our locks without much effort.

7 common mistakes in wahing the hair

Stay away from:

  1. Excessive foam shampooing

Many people think the hair will wash better if the shampoo produces a lot of foam, and the ingredients in the formula cover as much as possible the surface of the hair. Hair specialists say that in fact the foam produced by the shampoos found in shops – except for the natural shampoos – removes more hard sulfates, which can dry the hairs and can damage it in time.

The shampoo excessive foam is also dangerous for colored hair (predisposed to dehydration).

  1. Shampooing more than once

Equally wrong, experts say, is to shampoo your hair, then rinse it, apply the shampoo once more and repeat this process several times in a row. Impurities are sufficiently removed by a single shampoo, followed by rinsing and applying the conditioner. Exaggerating the amount of shampoo you use will expose your hair or scalp to excessive dryness and other problems associated with dehydration of the scalp.

  1. Use shampoo on partially wet hair

Another common mistake is using the shampoo on your hair when it isn’t wet enough. When the scalp and hair are partially dried, the shampoo will not produce enough foam and the temptation to add even more shampoo to compensate is greater.

The excess of shampoo means a greater predisposition to dehydration of the scalp and hair (by removing its natural protective oils and absorbing harmful chemicals). We recommend standing in the shower for at least 60 seconds before applying the shampoo.

  1. Applying the shampoo in the same area of the scalp

As a reflex motion, the first application of the shampoo is always in the same area of the scalp (generally in the crest of the head). If you do this, you will notice in time that hair does not style the way you want in this region, due to local dehydration caused by the shampoo been applied in a larger amount in the same area over and over again.

Try to alternate the areas from which you start shampooing, from the base of the neck upwards, from the forehead to the back, from the side to the center, etc. In this way,  you will not subject a single portion of the scalp to a large amount of shampoo every time.

  1. Excessive friction during shampooing

The skin of the scalp is more sensitive than many people believe, and excessive friction during shampooing can lead to damage to capillary tissue and hair. When you massage your head during shampooing, use your fingers instead of nails or palms and make gentle, circular movements that do not cause discomfort to the touch.

  1. Daily shampooing

Hair health can be compromised by daily shampooing because shampoo ingredients can degrade the natural balance of sebum produced by the scalp glands, which helps to hydrate the hair and also protects it against impurities and aggressive environmental factors.

When you wash your head every day, you deprive the scalp of these essential oils and cause the sebaceous glands to become overactive. Specialists say even people with greasy hair should not resort to daily shampooing, as they can aggravate the problem.

  1. Washing the hair with hot water

Many people prefer to wash their hair with hot water, believing that water temperature helps to eliminate impurities

shampoo, conditioner and serum set
The formulation we recommend to use for hair that is thinning and fragile is in Nutrigro® Conditioner. It contains a natural emollient and hair building substances, an anti-fungal and bactericidal with our Nutrigro® complex – an herbal mixture to strengthen hair.

more efficiently. In fact, high water temperature is very damaging to the hair health, causing dehydration of capillary adhesion and loss of sparkle shine.


Hot water, on the other hand, helps maintain the optimal level of hydration of the scalp and hair and better absorption of emollient ingredients in the hair conditioner.

Keep in Mind

Hair specialists recommend that care should be taken with fragile and thinning hair. Buy products that are SLS Free. SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulphates is a harsh chemical that is present in over 90% of shampoos. It causes itchiness in some people.

Using a natural, gentle, non-harsh chemical shampoo such as Nutrigro® Shampoo is better than harsh chemical shampoos.

 Any tangles of hair should be carefully separated making sure you are not pulling the hair. It is not the frequency you wash your hair that counts, but what shampoo and conditioner you use.

Seasonal Hair Loss – Myth or Reality? Find The Answer

Hair loss is seasonal
Many women and men begin to notice significant hair loss in late autumn, particularly in October and November, or early spring leading us to believe that hair loss could be seasonal.
After careful analysis, researchers have confirmed that some hair loss is indeed seasonal.

Circannual rhythms (physiological variations that occur in the same period of the year) can be described as a change in the level of hormones secreted by your body. Scientists believe that these fluctuations explain many pathologies (the scientific study of the nature of the disease and its causes) such as male pattern baldness. A study called the “Tromsø study” screened all inhabitants aged 25 years or older living in Tromsø (Norway) for their Testosterone blood levels over a period of time.

The study showed that Testosterone reaches two peaks during the year, one in February-March and the other one in November-December (Figure 1).  As can be seen from the graph below the biggest peak is in Autumn.

Total Testosterone (Total-T) and free Testosterone (Free-T) levels during a 12-month period

Figure 1 – Shows Total Testosterone (Total-T) and free Testosterone (Free-T) levels during a 12-month period.

It has also been observed by some scientists that more hair is lost in Spring and in Autumn.

This coincides with the Tromsø study that shows a seasonal variation (of about 30% by season) of total and free testosterone (Figure 2).

Figure 2



So why does more hair fall out in these seasons? It is postulated that Spring and Autumn both see a sudden change in climate – both temperature and amount of daylight.  These sudden variations in the factors may be stressing the body. The body responds by releasing the hormone, Testosterone. Higher Testosterone blood levels mean more DHT in the scalp and consequently less hair on your scalp. (DHT attacks hair follicles.)

So do not worry if you are shedding more hair in the Spring and Autumn. To protect your hair and ensure that you provide your locks with all the necessary vitamins and minerals try Nutrigro natural hair food capsules.

The Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules 

The Coolherbals Nutrigro® Male Hair Food Capsules


Homemade Masks Or Hair Salon Treatments?

There are many different methods to improve hair, but all with different advantages and disadvantages, so which method is the best? Going somewhere to have your hair treated be best? Or a home-made mask? Or one you’ve bought? Well…

Help your hair by using homemade hair masks

A home-made mask…

• Doesn’t require you to leave home
• Allows you to do things while you have on the mask
• It’s natural and that means no harsh chemicals

When it comes to homemade mask you can play with ingredients and have a different deep moisturizing mask each time you feel like. You can use honey, eggs, fruits, natural oils such as olive oil or coconut oil.

• You need to know the correct ingredients
• All ingredients have to be bought fresh
• You need to make it yourself (& can get messy)

Going out means…

• Don’t have to do anything but go to the place

• Have to arrange an appointment
• Have to travel to the place
• Staying at the hair salon limits what tasks you can do
• You don’t know the exact ingredients of the mask

Going to a hair salon it will always be more expensive than the other two options as it implies travel costs and the cost of the professional mask/treatment you choose to have. Professional masks are always going to have guarantee results as they have been designed to deeply moisturize and repair hair. Just make sure to choose a mask containing natural ingredients and to stay away from the ones containing SLS, parabens and harsh chemicals.

A bought natural mask…

• Doesn’t require you to leave home
• Allows you to do things while you have on the mask
• You can see the exact ingredients used and their benefits for the hair.

There are no disadvantages at all.

Hair Mask Help the Hair feel strongerIt’s made especially for strengthening the hair. Suitable for all hair types. So whether your hair is color-treated, wavy, or artificially straightened, curly or dry you can still undergo the treatment. The hair spa mask will help hair to get extra nourishment. Alternatively, you can use natural serums or hair oils.

In conclusion, the best option would be the home-made mask or bought one since they are the quickest and take little time. Homemade masks and the natural ingredients masks eliminate impurities inside pores and repairs damaged hair. They are deep conditioning hair treatments designed to strengthen the hair follicles, nourish the roots & revitalize the scalp leading to natural hair rebirth.


5 Tips For A Healthy Winter Hair

5 Tips For A Healthy Winter Hair

Winter season is not always kind to our hair, making hair became dry and frizzy. And is not just the outside cold air we have to keep away, but also the warm and dry air inside the house. The alternation of hot-cold temperatures has an extremely strong effect on our locks. The hair tends to dehydrate and show signs of split ends. To avoid this from happening, hair should be carefully cared for. Here are the main steps to fallow for a healthy, strong hair.

1. Trim your hair regularly. In winter we can trim it more often than in the summer, even once a month, to avoid split ends.

2.Use conditioner. Especially if you are used to blow-drying your hair or a fan of styling devices. Use natural or organic conditioner, is most effective at this time of year. Avoid the electric curlers for the winter months.

3.Avoid synthetic hats. If your hair is dry synthetic fabrics will lead very fast to split ends.

Winter season is making hair became dry and frizzy. Try Nutrigro Female Hair Food Plus
The Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules help maintain healthy existing hair growth & follicular health for women over 35 years of age.

4.Eat healthy. According to specialists, people who eat very few carbohydrates have a drier hair. Even if you are on a diet, carbohydrates have their role to play in having a healthy hair. If dieting it is recommended to replace them with a natural supplement. Nutrition has a pretty important role to play, which must be respected if we want a healthy hair full of vitality. You should know that a balanced and rich mineral diet, especially in zinc and magnesium, will effectively help protect your hair during the cold season. If you fail to have proper nutrition, nutritional supplements are a solution. Take a look at our natural supplements for hair here.

5.At least once a week use a hair mask. Winter is a time when you need to look after your hair more than ever. Especially if it’s curly. Choose a high-protein hair mask that you can make at home. Besides home-made masks, your hair should also enjoy professional treatments offered by beauty salons. Such treatment lasts for about 45 minutes and it is recommended have them done once every three weeks during the winter. Alternatively, you can use natural products created specifically to regenerate and maintain healthy hair, such as Coolherbals Spa Hair Mask.

Keep In Mind

The cold, the wind, the dry air are factors that stress the hair. Under such conditions, without adequate protection, the hair becomes drier, splits faster and generally deteriorates. Slow down on styling and keep your hair as close as possible to its natural state, especially as the trends for 2018 encourage us to have the hair as natural and simple as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions On Hair Loss

At the first signs of thinning hair, you find yourself with more questions than answers. Why is your hair thinning? What are the causes and what can you do to stop hair loss? Here are our answers to a few of the questions received from customers. 

Can stress make you lose hair?

There are conflicting medical reports of whether stress makes you lose hair. What complicates matters is that hair loss due to stress is delayed by a few weeks to a few months – so was it stress that caused hair loss? Generally speaking it is not stress, but the ability to deal with stress that makes the difference in people losing hair due to stress. Learn how to deal with stress.

Does wearing a cap or hat cause hair loss?

Research shows that people with poor circulation due to tight caps or hats do not necessarily appear to be more likely to suffer from alopecia. It is only in a very small minority of people that this is seen. This may be due to impairment of blood flow in the scalp. Our advice is take caution in wearing tight caps and hats.

Does frequent shampooing cause hair loss?

Authorities recommend that care should be taken with fragile and thinning hair. Using natural, gentle, non-harsh chemical shampoos is better than harsh chemical shampoos. Any tangles of hair should be carefully separated making sure you are not pulling the hair. It is not the frequency you wash your hair that counts, but what shampoo and conditioner you use.

Do perms, colours and other cosmetic treatments cause permanent hair loss?

Some hair treatments can damage the hair and lead to hair thinning or loss – but the vast majority do not. So if you are experiencing hair loss after using perms or colourants then avoid them.

Does shaving the head make the hair grow back thicker?

Not true – in fact, if you are suffering from some types of hair loss such as Androgenetic Alopecia, this will actually just quicken your hair loss.

Do you lose more hair at certain times of the year?

Yes some do, according to a set of scientists. Circannual rhythms (physiological variations that occur in the same period of the year) can be described as a change in the level of hormones secreted by your body. Scientists believe that these fluctuations explain much pathology (the scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes) such as male pattern baldness. A study called the “Tromsø study” screened all inhabitants aged 25 years or older living in Tromsø (Norway) for their Testosterone blood levels over a period of time. The study showed that Testosterone reaches two peaks during the year, one in February-March and the other September-October.