Summer Tips For Healthy Hair

Summer is just around the corner and the strong sun, high temperatures and the humidity in the air will make our locks appear dry, hard to care for and arrange. Here are a few simple steps to keep your hair healthy and hydrated.

1.Wash your hair twice a week


Washing your hair daily in the summer can lead to it being dehydrated. During the warm season, it is recommended to wash the hair twice a week to allow hair to absorb the natural oils of the scalp. It is also important to choose a shampoo containing natural ingredients to add as many nutrients as possible to the locks. When possible, try to rinse your hair with cold water to straighten hair cuticles.

 2.Opt for natural products

During the warm season, the hair has a tendency to dehydrate, so it is best to limit the number of chemicals used to style and clean your hair such us commercial shampoos, chemical hair dyes and styling products.

Nutrigro natural products for healthy hair this summer. No mistakes, no hair problems

Nutrigro natural products for healthy hair. No mistakes, no hair problems

Choose to use natural hair care products with a high percentage of natural ingredients that will protect, moisturise and nourish your locks.

3. Stay away from the styling devices that use heat

Blow drying your hair is a common practice during winter days but in summer using heat might just do more damage than good. Take advantage of the warm days and allow your hair to breath and maintain its moisture. Give up your styling devices for a while and opt instead for simpler hairstyles, for which you do not need a dryer or a curler.

4. Do not skip on hydrating moisturising masks

Hair frequently exposed to heat regularly needs treatments that will intensely hydrate it. Use quality masks appropriate to your hair type, or choose to use homemade masks. Leave hair products to act for at least half an hour to get into dehydrated hair. To have a shiny healthy hair it’s not enough to apply moisturising products. Hydration is obtained to a large extent from inside, so make sure you drink enough fluids, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and take vitamins so the scalp skin is well hydrated and your hair grows healthy and beautiful. Water is always the best choice.

5. Do not forget to trim your hair regularly

During the summer it becomes almost obligatory to trim a few centimetres of hair once every 4-6 weeks. Hair can become burned and the only way to get rid of burned and degraded hair is to trim the affected locks otherwise the hair does not recover. Hair oils and hair serum are the perfect allies in the fight with split ends. Applied to clean, dry or wet hair, hair oils will provide protection throughout the day. Natural oils are also recognized for their beneficial effects on hair, including the prevention of split ends, improving hair thinning and dehydration.

Why not try:

Coolherbals Pitta OilCoolherbals Vata Hair Oil nourishes hair and skin on the summer days cooling the body and scalp. It is particularly useful in thinning hair, hair falling or greasy hair. It contains Sandalwood, Coconut, Sunflower and Bhringaraj oils. Suitable for greasy hair.

Coolherbals Vata Oil nourishes hair and skin. The combination of Sesame, Bhringaraj and Rosemary oil keeps hair and skin moisturized. Suitable for dry hair.

Coolherbals Kapha Oil nourishes your hair and skin. Using Kapha Oil will make your hair appear thicker. The combination of mustard, clove and oil prevent your hair from hair loss and it also keeps your skin moisturize and clean. Suitable for normal hair.



Hair Loss and the Hormonal Imbalance in Women

Hair Loss and the hormonal imbalance

Hair loss is widely spread and we all get affected by it at some point in our life. Normally the hair goes through 3 phases: the growth phase – an anagen phase of about 3 years that dictates the hair length, the catagen phase (the stagnation phase), lasting about 2-3 weeks and the last stage, the fall, known as telogenic phase, lasting for an average of 3 months. During all this time the hair is rising from the deep layers to the surface, so the hair strands that are programmed to fall are easily snapping off. Normally 10% of the hair is in this phase. When the percentage increases, we have an abnormal hair loss.

The hormonal imbalance. What to expect.

Hormones are one of the factors influencing the way our hair looks and behaves. This is why we lose hair after pregnancy, when suffering from a thyroid disease or when stopping the estrogen medication (eg, contraceptives). A particular type of hair loss that is located in the centre of the scalp, and not diffuse, is caused by the increase in the level of male hormones.

Oestrogen imbalance in women

New mothers. The decrease in oestrogen production after birth is quite common, but this phenomenon is often temporary, and hair growth can be stimulated by vitamin formulations prescribed by the doctor. So do not worry too much if your hair is falling after giving birth. Consult your GP and make sure you get the daily vitamins and minerals necessary for your body to cope with the changes you are getting trough.

Hair Loss and Vitamins For WomenMenopause. When the production of oestrogen is stopping – during the menopause – it creates a multitude of symptoms and disorders including hair loss. This phenomenon differs greatly from one woman to another, and any hormonal treatment that may not be well-dosed to prevent this shortcoming needs to be quickly remedied. In this case, you should check the treatment with your GP, adjusting the initial dose. In addition to hormonal treatment, your doctor can also prescribe a local lotion or vitamins to help with the hair loss.

Try the Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules. They help maintain healthy existing hair growth & follicular health for women over 35 years of age. The capsules are specifically designed for women that are approaching certain phases of life such as menopause or post-pregnancy where there is an imbalance in Oestrogen hormone.

Thyroid problems

A slowing down of the thyroid gland causes hair loss and hair thinning. Hair becomes very dry, losing its shine, breaking easily or having split ends. The good news is that this condition is not a permanent one. This shortcoming can be remedied by thyroid hormonal treatment. Make sure you have the correct

diagnose before taking any hormonal supplements and use as much as possible natural hair loss products designed to help with hair loss and hair thinning.


Hormonal imbalances, prolactin or cortisol imbalance can lead to hair loss. In cases of high prolactin imbalances hair loss and even the appearance of bald spots are an obvious symptom.

7 mistakes we make when washing our hair

Washing our hair seems easy but it is also a procedure that, when done incorrectly, will compromise the health and appearance of our locks. Common signs? Excess sebum, excessive drying of hair or the lack of volume are usually the common consequences of inappropriate hair care.

Our specialists are recommending some safe steps to wash the hair properly and to ensure the beauty and shine of our locks without much effort.

7 common mistakes in wahing the hair

Stay away from:

  1. Excessive foam shampooing

Many people think the hair will wash better if the shampoo produces a lot of foam, and the ingredients in the formula cover as much as possible the surface of the hair. Hair specialists say that in fact the foam produced by the shampoos found in shops – except for the natural shampoos – removes more hard sulfates, which can dry the hairs and can damage it in time.

The shampoo excessive foam is also dangerous for colored hair (predisposed to dehydration).

  1. Shampooing more than once

Equally wrong, experts say, is to shampoo your hair, then rinse it, apply the shampoo once more and repeat this process several times in a row. Impurities are sufficiently removed by a single shampoo, followed by rinsing and applying the conditioner. Exaggerating the amount of shampoo you use will expose your hair or scalp to excessive dryness and other problems associated with dehydration of the scalp.

  1. Use shampoo on partially wet hair

Another common mistake is using the shampoo on your hair when it isn’t wet enough. When the scalp and hair are partially dried, the shampoo will not produce enough foam and the temptation to add even more shampoo to compensate is greater.

The excess of shampoo means a greater predisposition to dehydration of the scalp and hair (by removing its natural protective oils and absorbing harmful chemicals). We recommend standing in the shower for at least 60 seconds before applying the shampoo.

  1. Applying the shampoo in the same area of the scalp

As a reflex motion, the first application of the shampoo is always in the same area of the scalp (generally in the crest of the head). If you do this, you will notice in time that hair does not style the way you want in this region, due to local dehydration caused by the shampoo been applied in a larger amount in the same area over and over again.

Try to alternate the areas from which you start shampooing, from the base of the neck upwards, from the forehead to the back, from the side to the center, etc. In this way,  you will not subject a single portion of the scalp to a large amount of shampoo every time.

  1. Excessive friction during shampooing

The skin of the scalp is more sensitive than many people believe, and excessive friction during shampooing can lead to damage to capillary tissue and hair. When you massage your head during shampooing, use your fingers instead of nails or palms and make gentle, circular movements that do not cause discomfort to the touch.

  1. Daily shampooing

Hair health can be compromised by daily shampooing because shampoo ingredients can degrade the natural balance of sebum produced by the scalp glands, which helps to hydrate the hair and also protects it against impurities and aggressive environmental factors.

When you wash your head every day, you deprive the scalp of these essential oils and cause the sebaceous glands to become overactive. Specialists say even people with greasy hair should not resort to daily shampooing, as they can aggravate the problem.

  1. Washing the hair with hot water

Many people prefer to wash their hair with hot water, believing that water temperature helps to eliminate impurities

shampoo, conditioner and serum set
The formulation we recommend to use for hair that is thinning and fragile is in Nutrigro® Conditioner. It contains a natural emollient and hair building substances, an anti-fungal and bactericidal with our Nutrigro® complex – an herbal mixture to strengthen hair.

more efficiently. In fact, high water temperature is very damaging to the hair health, causing dehydration of capillary adhesion and loss of sparkle shine.


Hot water, on the other hand, helps maintain the optimal level of hydration of the scalp and hair and better absorption of emollient ingredients in the hair conditioner.

Keep in Mind

Hair specialists recommend that care should be taken with fragile and thinning hair. Buy products that are SLS Free. SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulphates is a harsh chemical that is present in over 90% of shampoos. It causes itchiness in some people.

Using a natural, gentle, non-harsh chemical shampoo such as Nutrigro® Shampoo is better than harsh chemical shampoos.

 Any tangles of hair should be carefully separated making sure you are not pulling the hair. It is not the frequency you wash your hair that counts, but what shampoo and conditioner you use.

Seasonal Hair Loss – Myth or Reality? Find The Answer

Hair loss is seasonal
Many women and men begin to notice significant hair loss in late autumn, particularly in October and November, or early spring leading us to believe that hair loss could be seasonal.
After careful analysis, researchers have confirmed that some hair loss is indeed seasonal.

Circannual rhythms (physiological variations that occur in the same period of the year) can be described as a change in the level of hormones secreted by your body. Scientists believe that these fluctuations explain many pathologies (the scientific study of the nature of the disease and its causes) such as male pattern baldness. A study called the “Tromsø study” screened all inhabitants aged 25 years or older living in Tromsø (Norway) for their Testosterone blood levels over a period of time.

The study showed that Testosterone reaches two peaks during the year, one in February-March and the other one in November-December (Figure 1).  As can be seen from the graph below the biggest peak is in Autumn.

Total Testosterone (Total-T) and free Testosterone (Free-T) levels during a 12-month period

Figure 1 – Shows Total Testosterone (Total-T) and free Testosterone (Free-T) levels during a 12-month period.

It has also been observed by some scientists that more hair is lost in Spring and in Autumn.

This coincides with the Tromsø study that shows a seasonal variation (of about 30% by season) of total and free testosterone (Figure 2).

Figure 2



So why does more hair fall out in these seasons? It is postulated that Spring and Autumn both see a sudden change in climate – both temperature and amount of daylight.  These sudden variations in the factors may be stressing the body. The body responds by releasing the hormone, Testosterone. Higher Testosterone blood levels mean more DHT in the scalp and consequently less hair on your scalp. (DHT attacks hair follicles.)

So do not worry if you are shedding more hair in the Spring and Autumn. To protect your hair and ensure that you provide your locks with all the necessary vitamins and minerals try Nutrigro natural hair food capsules.

The Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules 

The Coolherbals Nutrigro® Male Hair Food Capsules


5 Tips For A Healthy Winter Hair

5 Tips For A Healthy Winter Hair

Winter season is not always kind to our hair, making hair became dry and frizzy. And is not just the outside cold air we have to keep away, but also the warm and dry air inside the house. The alternation of hot-cold temperatures has an extremely strong effect on our locks. The hair tends to dehydrate and show signs of split ends. To avoid this from happening, hair should be carefully cared for. Here are the main steps to fallow for a healthy, strong hair.

1. Trim your hair regularly. In winter we can trim it more often than in the summer, even once a month, to avoid split ends.

2.Use conditioner. Especially if you are used to blow-drying your hair or a fan of styling devices. Use natural or organic conditioner, is most effective at this time of year. Avoid the electric curlers for the winter months.

3.Avoid synthetic hats. If your hair is dry synthetic fabrics will lead very fast to split ends.

Winter season is making hair became dry and frizzy. Try Nutrigro Female Hair Food Plus
The Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules help maintain healthy existing hair growth & follicular health for women over 35 years of age.

4.Eat healthy. According to specialists, people who eat very few carbohydrates have a drier hair. Even if you are on a diet, carbohydrates have their role to play in having a healthy hair. If dieting it is recommended to replace them with a natural supplement. Nutrition has a pretty important role to play, which must be respected if we want a healthy hair full of vitality. You should know that a balanced and rich mineral diet, especially in zinc and magnesium, will effectively help protect your hair during the cold season. If you fail to have proper nutrition, nutritional supplements are a solution. Take a look at our natural supplements for hair here.

5.At least once a week use a hair mask. Winter is a time when you need to look after your hair more than ever. Especially if it’s curly. Choose a high-protein hair mask that you can make at home. Besides home-made masks, your hair should also enjoy professional treatments offered by beauty salons. Such treatment lasts for about 45 minutes and it is recommended have them done once every three weeks during the winter. Alternatively, you can use natural products created specifically to regenerate and maintain healthy hair, such as Coolherbals Spa Hair Mask.

Keep In Mind

The cold, the wind, the dry air are factors that stress the hair. Under such conditions, without adequate protection, the hair becomes drier, splits faster and generally deteriorates. Slow down on styling and keep your hair as close as possible to its natural state, especially as the trends for 2018 encourage us to have the hair as natural and simple as possible.

Help! My Hair Is Falling Out

Nutrigro Scalp Roller

Are you starting to notice those first hairs falling away? Help is at hand; Coolherbals tells us all about how to hang onto those all important locks.

Mr A, a young professional who works in the city came to see me.  He had a good job and no major worries. The only thing that he reluctantly told me that was disturbing his sleep by worrying about it was his hair thinning. His hair, he said also seemed to be falling out more than usual. He was not keen to use anything that was drug-related, but felt he needed to do something fast.

If you are in the same situation there are several factors that need to be considered for hair loss, both for men and women:

  • Ensure you are using natural shampoos that are gentle, this means without SLS-sodium lauryl sulphate and a foaming agent. 99 percent of shampoos contain SLS.
  • Pay attention to your nutrition. Nutrition plays an important part in optimum hair growth.

The secret is to eat a healthy diet, high in green salads and vegetables with protein, and complex carbohydrates and make adjustments around this.

Pitta energy is also responsible for metabolism in the organs, tissue systems and cellular metabolism, premature hair loss and According to Ayurveda, the body is made up of three energies Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When these energies are out of sync, the body has a disease. It is thought that in hair loss, Pitta energy is out of balance, therefore this needs to be balanced with the correct foods, in order to help healthy growth of hair.air thinning. When any of the doshas (Vata, Pitta or Kapha) accumulate in excess of our “norm” we need to reduce the dosha that has become excessive. Excess Pitta energy in the sebaceous glands at the root of the hair, or folliculitis can cause a weakened hair. The Ayurvedic theory is to reduce or pacify the Pitta energy.

That is how we created the Nutrigro® Nutrition Plan, based on an ancient holistic medical system called Ayurveda and the latest scientific research.


Nutrigro Plan

Nutrigro provides a unique approach to keeping healthy hair for longer … using a holistic approach” Prof. Gupta.As an example, excessive intake of tea, coffee, salt, alcohol, meats (particularly red), pickles, yoghurt, cheese and excessive smoking are harming the body. Such foods increase Pitta energy, so cut down on these. Eating too many fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods also aggravates Pitta.

To counteract Pitta energy your diet should contain more green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts.

The latest research suggests that it is also the lack of certain trace minerals, some vitamins and protein that hair requires for optimal growth a factor for hair loss or hair thinning. It is therefore recommended to take Hair Food Capsules which help maintain healthy hair growth and follicle health by ensuring there is a full quota of nutrients available.

  • Life changes. During pregnancy and menopause, the body undergoes many changes, and the fluctuations in hormones can lead to hair thinning and hair loss.

Try adding vitamins, minerals and protein supplements to your diet which also contain phyto oestrogens such as soy which mimic normal hormones and can help to balance. Others contain fenugreek and Indian gooseberry botanicals which have been traditionally used to help fight hair loss.

In men, an imbalance of the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is implicated in hair thinning and hair loss.

Nutrigro Male Hair FoodTaking Male Hair Food Capsules daily, which contain the Nutrigro Complex and DHT fighting Saw Palmetto can help you get back on track and have healthy hair.

  • Stress. Some people find that when they are going through stress, they experience more hair loss. Counteract stress by using calming and relaxing techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga.

Furthermore, a new treatment involves using an LED handheld scalp roller over the whole of the scalp where there is hair thinning has been available for the public in the last years. The roller forms micro-channels which stimulate blood flow to the hair follicle and, when used in conjunction with a serum (as it should be), it boosts absorption of subsequent hair ingredients up to 90 percent. The Nutrigro red LED light Scalp Roller stimulates regeneration of cells and stimulates the hair follicle. This treatment can be used for men and women.

It’s important to keep in mind that all changes come from within. With a proper diet, a balanced life and the help of professional treatments most of our hair loss and hair thinning problems can be solved. Act today. Having Healthy Hair Is Just One Click Away!

For a free hair analysis email

We invite you to read the original article at

August is Hair Loss Awareness Month

August is Hair Loss Awareness Month

Usually caused by age, hormones, health problems or genetics, hair loss can be distressing, whatever your age. In women more than men, hair loss is one factor that can take its toll on our day to day life. Below we gather a list of the most common causes of hair loss and the solutions you have at hand to treat and improve your condition.

Common reasons for hair loss:

  1. Emotional stress

Any psychological trauma resulting from a road accident, surgery, severe illness, fear of ageing, divorce, the death of a close person, job loss, or even a trivial cold that spans over a long period of time can lead to the temporary fall of hair.  This is due to the fact that hair’s life cycle is distorted and no longer respects the normal rhythm of “growth, rest, regeneration.”

The good news is that once you get rid of that negative emotional state of mind, your hair reverts to normal and hair loss will stop.

  1. Too much vitamin A

Yes, it’s true. Too much vitamin A may be the cause for your hair loss. The daily amount of vitamin A is 5,000 IU for adults, but when we self-administer Vitamin A dietary supplements it is possible to face this unpleasant side effect.

The simplest way to see if this is really the reason is to give up for a while vitamin A supplements and see how the hair reacts to this change.

  1. Too few proteins

When the body does not get enough protein, the hair growth process is slowed down and regeneration is also blocked. Therefore, do include in your diet plenty of foods rich in proteins like eggs, meat or fish.

Female Hair Loss Food Plus
The Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules help maintain healthy existing hair growth & follicular health for women over 35 years of age.

To protect your hair and maintain it healthy you can add a hair food supplement to your daily meals. Try a natural product such as Nutrigro® Hair Food Plus Capsules, containing Ostrogen-rich Soya Extracts, Marine Protein Extract, Vitamins and Minerals, all in a vegetarian capsule.

  1. Genetic heritage

Genes may also be a reason, especially if you know that you have family members that had such problems.  Do not despair, however, because there are many treatments for hair strengthening and hair regeneration.

Start reading the studies about hair loss and gathering information (check out the Nutrigro offer for a FREE eBook on Hair Loss), read the recommendations about hair loss products and choose the best solution for your problem.

  1. The hormonal imbalance

Just as pregnancy can change the level of hormones in the body, the same can happen when you take inappropriate contraceptives, which can overcome your androgenic hormones, responsible for baldness in men.  Therefore, it is very important to consult the gynaecologist before taking the pills, because only a detailed anamnesis can definitely determine what type of contraceptive is best for you.

  1. Iron deficiency

Almost one in 10 women aged 20-49 suffers from anaemia due to an acute lack of iron in the body and as studies show, most ladies do not even know this fact. Iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss and to find out for sure whether this is the cause of your hair loss problem, it is necessary to perform a series of blood tests that can determine the level of iron in your blood.

What to do if there is an affirmative answer? Nothing simpler: take some iron supplements over a period of time indicated by your GP and keep a rich diet in minerals (apple, poultry liver, spinach, egg yolk, etc.).

  1. A lazy thyroid

Specifically, hypothyroidism may also be a common cause of hair loss because there are not enough hormones produced to help metabolism and thus hair suffers. Drug treatment can be of great help in this situation, restoring normal hormonal levels.

Talk to your GP and take the necessary steps to ensure hypothyroidism is treated in time.

  1. Losing weight too fast

Many ladies are choosing to lose weight fast, encouraged by numerous wonder diets advertised on social media or TV, and this can dramatically affect their bodies. A drastic diet deprives the body of vitamins and minerals required to function normally, making you lose not only the unwanted kilograms but also your hair. The bad news is that it will take at least 6 months for your hair to recover from this trauma while the body rebuilds its stock of nutrients lost as a result of the chaotic diet.

Do not despair! Slimming can be successfully achieved through a balanced diet without renouncing your favourite meals. To find out how, please visit and see the Nutrigro Plan.

Hair Loss Capsules for Women
Nutrigro provides a unique approach to keeping hair healthy for longer. The natural ingredients in the Nutrigro Capsules looks after the nutritional and hormonal causes of hair loss.
  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome

If this is the case, expect an increase in the level of androgens in your body, which may predispose you to weight gain, increasing the risk of diabetes, menstrual disorders, infertility, and the problem that make us go crazy – the excessive hair loss.

The solution to such a thorny problem is a long-term treatment that includes changes in diet, daily exercise, contraception, and medications that reduce the risk of infertility and diabetes.

For a free advice on how you can live a balanced life and have a balanced diet email us at


10 Hair Myths Debunked. Part I

10 Hair Myths Debunked

How many times have you heard that colouring your hair makes it fall and look burnt? Curious if is true or false? Here are the most common myths about hair and the truth about them.

  1. Colouring your hair makes it fall and look burnt

False. The new formulas for the dyes are no longer as bad as they once were. Some contain vitamins and essential oils that care for your hair. If you use professional dye and use it at longer intervals (once every one month and a half), your hair will not be in any way affected.

  1. Stress causes hair loss

True. Stress can affect the nourishment, growth or hair regeneration. During periods of stress, more hair falls, nonetheless the hair always recovers. Hair loss due to stress is temporary.

Keep in mind: Stress may cause hair to go into the resting phase and hair loss will increase. Some argue that losing hair is what causes stress in the first instance. It needs to be pointed out that evidence implies that stress is unlikely to play a major role in causing hair loss, but stressful life events may act as a trigger for starting and/or making hair loss worse. What is the solution to this extra strain? Consider meditation, yoga and just taking the time to breathe more slowly and deeply to reduce stress-see Nutrigro® plan. Enjoy today!

Nutrigro Plan
Nutrigro provides a unique approach to keeping hair healthy for longer … using a holistic approach
  1. If you pluck a white hair, two will grow in its place

False. It’s just a superstition, and it’s a bad habit. By pulling your hair, you damage the root and you’ll be predisposed to scalp infections. Pulling your hair will definitely not lead to thicker hair.

  1. Cut your hair when the moon is full and your hair will grow quickly

False. During a full moon, blood circulation is more intense, the root of the hair is better nourished and oxygenated, and hair grows faster. But it grows faster at this phase of the month, no matter if you trim it or not.

  1. Smoking cause premature hair greying

True. Although the hereditary factor plays an important role in this process, studies have shown that the risk of premature hair greying is four times higher in smokers. Grey hair is formed when the melanocytes in the hair follicles stop producing melanin (pigment), usually triggered by hereditary encoding as we age. Studies show that prolonged illness, periods of stress, and some medical interactions can cause the melanocytes to stop producing melanin. As smoking add stress to the body and contribute to premature ageing, it can also be responsible for causing grey hair and hair loss.

  1. Cold water makes the hair shiny

False. Cold water closes the cuticles and the hair will be easier to style, but it does not make it shine. Adding lemon juice or vinegar in the water and rinsing your hair will give this effect. Using a professional natural conditioner or an oil hair will give you the same result.

shampoo, conditioner and serum set
The formulation we recommend to use for hair that is thinning and fragile is in Nutrigro® Conditioner. It contains a natural emollient and hair building substances, an anti-fungal and bactericidal with our Nutrigro® complex – a herbal mixture to strengthen hair.
  1. Some shampoos will cause dandruff

False. Dandruff is the result of a fungus and has no connection with the shampoo. A dehydrated scalp shouldn’t be confused with dandruff. The difference is that the dandruff is seen on the hair and is in large quantity, falling on your shoulders and clothes while the peels due to dehydrations stand on the scalp. A peeling scalp can be treated with proper hydration and appropriate treatment for your hair type.

  1. More shampoo means cleaner hair

False. The amount of shampoo required is as much as you can hold in the palm of your hand (no more than a tablespoon) and for the long hair a little more. To clean it well, it’s important to shampoo your hair twice.

You might also like to read 10 ways to stimulate hair growth through shampooing

  1. Hair falls because you always straighten it

False. Heat damages burns or dries the hair, which sometimes leads to hair loss, but the lost threads will be quickly replaced by others that will come out of the same root. When the hair falls massively, the cause is not your styling devices, it can be of a hormonal nature, a health problem or a nutritional deficiency.

  1. Brushing your hair will make it beautiful. One of the most popular hair myths

False. Somewhere along the way, people said that brushing your hair 100 strokes a day would keep it healthy and growing long. The truth is excessive brushing damages your hair.  Watch out for synthetic or electric brushes that can break or damage your hair faster than you might think and brushing your hair constantly with them can really damage your locks. Better use a wooden rare tooth comb and pay attention how you brush your hair. If you’re brushing it too often and too aggressively, your hair will be far from beautiful.


Daily Foods That Stop Hair Growth

We have always argued that diet is the basis for our health, but also for the way we look. That’s why all the specialists say we need to pay close attention to what we eat to be healthy. Health can also be seen in the hair, and nutrition is a factor that determines how healthy our hair is.

What are the foods that affect your hair’s health? See below our list with foods that are actually slowing down hair growth:

1.Sugar and sweets

Sugar is one of the number 1 enemies of our health and unfortunately is consumed in super excess in our society. Sugar can interfere with the absorption of proteins in the body, which is very important for our body’s health, for the development of muscle mass that keeps us healthy and, of course, for the growth of our hair. Vitamin E absorption also suffers when we eat too much sugar, and Vitamin E is necessary for having our hair grow and look healthy. Due to sugar, its level decreases which slows the hair growth process down. You do not have to ban sweets from your diet, but try to reduce as much as possible your daily sugar intake.


Salt is no good for our hair, as is no good for our body either when consumed in excess. Salt is generally recommended in daily diets, but keep in mind that the daily amount of salt permitted is 6 grammes. Studies have shown that excessive salt consumption leads to excessive hair loss. Consume foods with as little salt as possible if you want to have a thick and healthy hair.

3.Wheat flour

Most people avoid wheat flour because it is full of carbohydrates and, as we all know, flour will make us gain weight, but too few know that flour can also harm our hair. Products containing wheat can cause hair thinning, so you should take a break from them once in a while – if you should fail to give up on them completely.


If you want shiny, thick hair, try to quit alcoholic beverages. They reduce the amount of zinc, folic acid, vitamin B and vitamin C in the body, and hair will lose its shine. Moreover, without the necessary nutrients, the hair will be more fragile and will fall easily.

For more on nutrition and the impact, it has to your hair click here.

10 Nutrition Rules To Get You On The Right Track

10 Nutrition Rules To Get You On The Right Track

The contemporary way of life, the habits imposed by new technologies, and the action of advertising make us eat and consume foods that are very bad for our body. Without establishing certain rules for a proper diet that protects the health and strengthens the body, we are subject to illnesses, health risks and hair loss. Here are some of our recommendations for a healthy body and healthy hair:

  1. You are what you eat

Food is just a mean of achieving a healthy life, shouldn’t be the main focus of your life. It’s important to eat healthy, as everything that you eat and drink will be converted into energy and will feed your body. Keep in mind that each single artificial ingredient added to your meals will be overloading and poisoning your body. Junk foods, deep fried foods and overeating are the worst mistakes you can do for your overall health. The food becomes part of the body and to have a healthy hair, it’s important that the products we consume are fresh, clean, full of vitamins.

  1. Hunger is true, craving is false

Lust is a psychological phenomenon, while hunger is a digestive phenomenon. Through hunger, the body informs us that it needs food, while appetite is not dictated

Hunger is true, lust is false

by our physiological needs, but rather by emotional instability. People’s incapacity to master the appetite indicates a very poor will. Just think of the religious act of fasting – besides its health benefits, it is meant to strengthen the will of man.

Our appetite is making us eat too much. The normal stomach load should be: food – 1/2, so it is recommended that you finish eating before you feel full. The remaining 1/4 volume of the stomach should be devoted to water and 1/4 is the empty space required for proper digestion of the food. If the stomach is filled with food, the body spends enormous energy to process it, the energy that is often higher even than the energy that we get from the food. You’ve probably noticed that when you eat too much, you feel tired, sore and sleepy – this is when your body is moving all its forces to overcome the critical situation in the stomach.

  1. Water is life. Drink up

The human body is largely made up of water, which is the juice of life. Plants that do not have enough water dry up soon, and something similar happens to our body. That’s why it’s so important to consume enough water each day, which for our climate would mean 2-3 litres of water during the summer and 1.5-2 litres in winter. It is also recommended to consume a mug of water or herbal tea 30 minutes before taking each meal to activate the digestive processes while drinking during the meal or immediately after eating should be avoided in order not to dissolve the digestive juices and slow down the normal process of assimilation of food.

  1. Take time to properly chew your food

Saliva is an active biochemical substance that plays an extremely important role in the digestion process. In particular, this means that solid food needs to be chewed for a long time until it becomes almost liquid due to its contact with saliva. At the same time, liquid food (milk, soup, natural juice, etc.) should not be swallowed at once but should be kept in contact with the saliva for as long as possible.

  1. Enjoy your meals
10 Nutrition Rules To Get You On The Right Track
Do not eat fast and do not eat much, even if you have something very tasty in front of you.

Do not eat fast and do not eat much, even if you have something very tasty in front of you. The food should stay in the mouth for as long as possible so you can enjoy the taste. This technique can make us feel we had enough even if we eat much less than we are accustomed to because the brain gives us the feeling of satiety due to the excitement of the taste buds.

  1. Pay attention to your food, not your surroundings

If you sit at the table, leave all the other activities behind. If you are eating while reading, talking to someone or looking at the TV, the brain cannot focus on the digestive process, which should be a priority. As a result, the digestion takes place in an ineffective and even harmful way for your health.

  1. Morning starts from the evening

The last meal should take place at least 4 hours before sleep, the ideal time is 7 hours. These figures are dictated by the time the body can process the food: 4 hours for vegetables and fruits, 7 hours for meat. During sleep, all processes in the body slow down. In addition, as long as we are in the upright position, the gravitational force helps to correctly move the food in the stomach and digestive tract. If we eat before sleep we cause many unpleasant and even harmful effects for the body: food stays overnight in the stomach, there will be deposits on the intestinal walls, sleep becomes inefficient, you will feel discomfort and unpleasant breath in the morning,  and diseases of the digestive system can develop.

  1. Do not exhaust yourself

Do not suddenly go to very strict diets. In fact, in every situation in life, sudden movements will shock body and mind. Radical overnight changes can cause a trauma to the body, which could generate effects exactly the opposite of what you actually expect.

  • Hair loss may be due to unbalanced diets, fasting or crash dieting. The possible reasons may be a deficiency in Vitamin C or E, Beta-carotene or other antioxidants. A supplement containing these would be beneficial when one is dieting.
  1. Cleansing is important

Our body detox is one step should not be taking lightly. This means taking care that the food and drink you consume is both qualitative and healthy, but also paying attention to the natural processes of the body. To do a special clean-up, try a total refrain from eating and drinking for 24 to 48 hours as often as you can.  This procedure must be done if you are healthy and not suffer from any medical condition that can jeopardise your health.

  1. Do not combine incompatible foods

The processing of food in the body takes place through acid-base biochemical reactions. If products that trigger acidic reactions and those that trigger basic reactions get into the body at the same time, unnecessary salts are produced, which greatly complicates the digestive process. To avoid such situations, we recommend using biochemically compatible products and vice versa, and as a little guidance, you can use the chart below. For more details on how to combine your meals and what diet is best for you try the Nutrigro Plan.

Using biochemically compatible products and vice versa is good for your health, and as a little guidance, you can use this chart.

V – Can be combined

I – should be consumed separately (within 40 minutes)

II – Only fresh milk with rice can be combined

III – 7 with 3 in a ratio of 1: 3

IV – when the body urgently needs a lot of energy without overloading the digestive system

V – and nuts

  1. Vegetables containing starch: potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, etc.
  2. Cereals, flour, whole grains.
  3. Starch-free vegetables: herbs, roots, cabbage, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers etc.
  4. Protein products: berries, nuts, eggs, roe, etc.
  5. Fruit and berries (fresh).
  6. Dairy products.
  7. Meat and fish.
  8. Vegetable fats.
  9. Melon and bananas.
  10. Chocolate and cocoa.
  11. Dried fruits.
  12. There are no nailed rules

Remember: Listen to your body. If your body tells you something is wrong with the new diet, you’d better give up on it.   Your own intuition will tell you what to do and what is wrong.