The most common myths about hair loss in men

The most common myths about hair loss in men

If your hair is starting to thin or you already have bald spots, you probably feel a strong desire to know exactly what the cause of your problem is. In this quest for information, you may find numerous myths and misconceptions about the causes, treatment, and hair loss in men that we would like to debunk.

Here are some of the most popular myths and the scientific explanations that contradict or support them.

Genes that cause hair loss come only from the mother

False. Although genetic inheritance from the mother is somewhat stronger, androgenetic alopecia can be inherited from both parents.

Bald men have a high level of testosterone

False. Hair loss is caused by an increased sensitivity of hair follicles – in certain areas of the scalp – to dihydrotestosterone which causes thinning of the hair follicle and not by high levels of testosterone.

You can determine if baldness is caused by genetic inheritance depending on the amount of hair falling out

False. Unlike popular belief, baldness is not due to the fall of a massive amount of hair, but rather due to the really small amount of hair that is being replaced periodically. In men who go bald, the fallen hair is gradually replaced by increasingly rare and thinner hair – a process called miniaturization.

Hair loss in men is caused by a decrease in blood flow from the scalp

False. When hair is growing, it needs an increased blood flow. Once you lose your hair, the scalp no longer needs the same amount of blood to support the hair growth process. Therefore, decreasing blood flow from the scalp is not a cause of hair loss, but rather a result of this process.

If you quit smoking you can avoid hair loss

False. Although several studies have confirmed the strong relationship between this harmful habit and the accentuation of hair loss, smoking alone is not the basis for hair loss. However, quit smoking and your overall health will be greatly improved.

Only men suffer from genetic hair loss

False. Hair loss is generally seen as a problem for men but women are also affected. In about 40% of women the hair will be thinner throughout their lives.

10 Nutrition Rules To Get You On The Right Track

10 Nutrition Rules To Get You On The Right Track

The contemporary way of life, the habits imposed by new technologies, and the action of advertising make us eat and consume foods that are very bad for our body. Without establishing certain rules for a proper diet that protects the health and strengthens the body, we are subject to illnesses, health risks and hair loss. Here are some of our recommendations for a healthy body and healthy hair:

  1. You are what you eat

Food is just a mean of achieving a healthy life, shouldn’t be the main focus of your life. It’s important to eat healthy, as everything that you eat and drink will be converted into energy and will feed your body. Keep in mind that each single artificial ingredient added to your meals will be overloading and poisoning your body. Junk foods, deep fried foods and overeating are the worst mistakes you can do for your overall health. The food becomes part of the body and to have a healthy hair, it’s important that the products we consume are fresh, clean, full of vitamins.

  1. Hunger is true, craving is false

Lust is a psychological phenomenon, while hunger is a digestive phenomenon. Through hunger, the body informs us that it needs food, while appetite is not dictated

Hunger is true, lust is false

by our physiological needs, but rather by emotional instability. People’s incapacity to master the appetite indicates a very poor will. Just think of the religious act of fasting – besides its health benefits, it is meant to strengthen the will of man.

Our appetite is making us eat too much. The normal stomach load should be: food – 1/2, so it is recommended that you finish eating before you feel full. The remaining 1/4 volume of the stomach should be devoted to water and 1/4 is the empty space required for proper digestion of the food. If the stomach is filled with food, the body spends enormous energy to process it, the energy that is often higher even than the energy that we get from the food. You’ve probably noticed that when you eat too much, you feel tired, sore and sleepy – this is when your body is moving all its forces to overcome the critical situation in the stomach.

  1. Water is life. Drink up

The human body is largely made up of water, which is the juice of life. Plants that do not have enough water dry up soon, and something similar happens to our body. That’s why it’s so important to consume enough water each day, which for our climate would mean 2-3 litres of water during the summer and 1.5-2 litres in winter. It is also recommended to consume a mug of water or herbal tea 30 minutes before taking each meal to activate the digestive processes while drinking during the meal or immediately after eating should be avoided in order not to dissolve the digestive juices and slow down the normal process of assimilation of food.

  1. Take time to properly chew your food

Saliva is an active biochemical substance that plays an extremely important role in the digestion process. In particular, this means that solid food needs to be chewed for a long time until it becomes almost liquid due to its contact with saliva. At the same time, liquid food (milk, soup, natural juice, etc.) should not be swallowed at once but should be kept in contact with the saliva for as long as possible.

  1. Enjoy your meals
10 Nutrition Rules To Get You On The Right Track
Do not eat fast and do not eat much, even if you have something very tasty in front of you.

Do not eat fast and do not eat much, even if you have something very tasty in front of you. The food should stay in the mouth for as long as possible so you can enjoy the taste. This technique can make us feel we had enough even if we eat much less than we are accustomed to because the brain gives us the feeling of satiety due to the excitement of the taste buds.

  1. Pay attention to your food, not your surroundings

If you sit at the table, leave all the other activities behind. If you are eating while reading, talking to someone or looking at the TV, the brain cannot focus on the digestive process, which should be a priority. As a result, the digestion takes place in an ineffective and even harmful way for your health.

  1. Morning starts from the evening

The last meal should take place at least 4 hours before sleep, the ideal time is 7 hours. These figures are dictated by the time the body can process the food: 4 hours for vegetables and fruits, 7 hours for meat. During sleep, all processes in the body slow down. In addition, as long as we are in the upright position, the gravitational force helps to correctly move the food in the stomach and digestive tract. If we eat before sleep we cause many unpleasant and even harmful effects for the body: food stays overnight in the stomach, there will be deposits on the intestinal walls, sleep becomes inefficient, you will feel discomfort and unpleasant breath in the morning,  and diseases of the digestive system can develop.

  1. Do not exhaust yourself

Do not suddenly go to very strict diets. In fact, in every situation in life, sudden movements will shock body and mind. Radical overnight changes can cause a trauma to the body, which could generate effects exactly the opposite of what you actually expect.

  • Hair loss may be due to unbalanced diets, fasting or crash dieting. The possible reasons may be a deficiency in Vitamin C or E, Beta-carotene or other antioxidants. A supplement containing these would be beneficial when one is dieting.
  1. Cleansing is important

Our body detox is one step should not be taking lightly. This means taking care that the food and drink you consume is both qualitative and healthy, but also paying attention to the natural processes of the body. To do a special clean-up, try a total refrain from eating and drinking for 24 to 48 hours as often as you can.  This procedure must be done if you are healthy and not suffer from any medical condition that can jeopardise your health.

  1. Do not combine incompatible foods

The processing of food in the body takes place through acid-base biochemical reactions. If products that trigger acidic reactions and those that trigger basic reactions get into the body at the same time, unnecessary salts are produced, which greatly complicates the digestive process. To avoid such situations, we recommend using biochemically compatible products and vice versa, and as a little guidance, you can use the chart below. For more details on how to combine your meals and what diet is best for you try the Nutrigro Plan.

Using biochemically compatible products and vice versa is good for your health, and as a little guidance, you can use this chart.

V – Can be combined

I – should be consumed separately (within 40 minutes)

II – Only fresh milk with rice can be combined

III – 7 with 3 in a ratio of 1: 3

IV – when the body urgently needs a lot of energy without overloading the digestive system

V – and nuts

  1. Vegetables containing starch: potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, etc.
  2. Cereals, flour, whole grains.
  3. Starch-free vegetables: herbs, roots, cabbage, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers etc.
  4. Protein products: berries, nuts, eggs, roe, etc.
  5. Fruit and berries (fresh).
  6. Dairy products.
  7. Meat and fish.
  8. Vegetable fats.
  9. Melon and bananas.
  10. Chocolate and cocoa.
  11. Dried fruits.
  12. There are no nailed rules

Remember: Listen to your body. If your body tells you something is wrong with the new diet, you’d better give up on it.   Your own intuition will tell you what to do and what is wrong.

All you need to know to have a healthy hair

All you need to know to have a healthy hair

The knowledge of trichology (science related to hair) is poorly understood whilst problems related to hair including receding hairline, postmenopausal thinning and other hair disorders remain a major concern to all adults.  We know that the psychological impact of losing ones hair can be enormous as this can be seen as a symptom of lost youth or looking unattractive whereas healthy hair and scalp gives confidence. In his book, Hair Today, Hair Tomorrow, Ravi Bhanot gives valuable information on scientific, dietary and life style ways to improve hair rather than information on hair transplants or hair pieces. It also gives the nutrition for hair growth – Nutri(tion) for gro(wth) – Nutrigro®. Here are some of the things you need to know:

What causes hair loss or hair thinning?

Have we moved on from the time of the Greek physician Hippocrates in figuring out what causes hair loss or hair thinning? Traditional methods and medical research have shown different ways of treating alopecia or hair loss. What one can deduce is that every individual is different and everyone’s individual circumstances need to be considered to assess the best course of action.

Before understanding how to slow down hair thinning or boost hair regrowth, we need to understand what hair is, how it grows and the conditions that may play a part in this growth.

  • An average head carries 100,000 – 150,000 hairs.

There are a variety of colours in hair – black is the most prevalent particularly amongst the Middle Eastern and Asian countries. In the west we have blondes, brunettes and redheads – only 2% are blondes and redheads. These have a low level of the dark pigment eumelanin and a higher level of the pigment phaeomelanin. Brown hair contains high levels of the dark eumelanin and lower levels of the pale pigment phaeomelanin.

  • Hair’s primary function is to regulate temperature. Human beings being warm-blooded animals need to keep their body temperature stable. In cold temperatures muscles attached to the hair follicles contract causing the hair to stand up. This results in warm air being trapped between the hair. Since we have other means to keep warm e.g. clothes, our partners ( they can certainly get you heated up), exercise and eating hot curries – the main purpose of hair is cosmetic.

How does hair form?

  • Hair is made from strong strands of a protein called keratin. Chemically this means oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, carbon and hydrogen (2). Hair is made up of two types of Keratin-type 1 and type 11. Type 1 is acidic in nature whilst type 11 is basic. Together they make the keratin to form hair and nails. (No wonder many people with alopecia also have problems with their nails- and you thought it was nerves!). The proportions of the individual elements that make up hair differ between people of different ages, sex, type and even in the colour of the hair. Hair is not living. It has no nerves and is difficult to destroy.
  • Hair grows in our scalps from follicles. These are unevenly spread in the scalp – usually in groups of two to five. Each follicle has its own life cycle. It produces about six inches (15cm) of hair annually for about four years. It then falls out and after a short period, the whole cycle starts again. Just imagine if this did not happen you could have used the same hair dye once in your lifetime – no such luck I am afraid!

In adolescence, the hair grows at its fastest rate and this reduces with age

The cell growth pattern can change due to drugs, pregnancy, illness etc. With age, the growth phase of the hair cycle reduces in length and the subcutaneous (below the skin surface) of the scalp also becomes thin and the hair becomes more brittle.

  • Every hair has a life cycle of its own. Each hair grows from its own individual hair follicle. A follicle will produce new cells for a certain period of time. This period is called the growth phase.
  • When the hair follicle enters the rest phase, the hair shaft breaks. The existing hair falls out and a new hair takes its place. The length of time that the individual hair is able to grow during the growth phase controls the maximum length of the hair.

 How do we keep the hair in this phase?

  • The hair follicles on your scalp let the hair grow for many years, so the hair can grow very long. Each hair grows on average half inch every month in the Anagen (growth period). In the resting phase, 30 – 150 hairs are shed per day. On average around 85% of hairs are in the growing phase and 14% are in a resting state and 1% in the Transitional stage (1). If the Anagen hair count is less than 80% of the total, the person has true hair thinning. The loss of a single or few hairs generally go unnoticed as there are hairs around the ‘lost’ hair that are in the Anogen or growing phase. Each hair is replaced every three to five years.

For more on hair loss or hair thinning click here!

The treatment for baldness on the verge of discovery

The treatment for baldness on the verge of discovery

All of us are panicking at the thought of losing our hair and those of us who already experience hair loss or hair thinning are already aware of how difficult it is to find the right products or therapies that can restore or help with hair growth. Here comes the good news: recent studies conducted on mice show that the treatment for baldness could lie within immune cells that control inflammation, called the “Tregs”.

The cells were found to stimulate hair follicles and spark hair growth and could hold the clue to overcoming baldness, research has shown.

Lead scientist Dr Michael Rosenblum, from the University of California at San Francisco, US, said: “Our hair follicles are constantly recycling: when a hair falls out, the whole hair follicle has to grow back. This has been thought to be an entirely stem cell-dependent process, but it turns out Tregs are essential. If you knock out this one immune cell type, hair just doesn’t grow.”

Basically, if Tregs are missing, the stem cells  can’t regenerate hair follicles. While research with animals often doesn’t produce similar results in humans, the study authors suggested that better understanding of Tregs’ role in hair growth could one day lead to improved treatments for hair loss in people. The researcher also believe that defects in Tregs could be responsible for the immune disease, alopecia areata, and possibly also play a part in other kinds of baldness.

This brings new hope as the research could lead to new treatments for alopecia areata, and other forms of baldness, including the classic “male pattern” variety that causes men to recede and lose their hair.

The study was published online May 26 in the journal Cell.

Natural ways to slow down hair loss

Natural ways to slow down hair loss

Can we stop boldness? Unfortunately, nobody can. Yet!  We do strive to find a cure and meanwhile, we are concentrating on things we can do. Like slowing down hair loss and even growing some back!

Here are some things you can try:

First thing, it is really important to consult a physician who specialises in Hair Restoration. Hair transplant, laser hair restoration, and even some nutrient supplementation can all be beneficial options for those experiencing hair loss. According to recent studies, two out of three men develop some form of balding during their lifetimes. This is due to heredity, certain medications, deficiencies in your daily diet and stress.  Managing stress levels will always help to stop hair loss.

So stop stressing! Also avoid going to bed late, as this will not help regulate your hormone production.

If you’re taking any medicine, look carefully at your prescriptions. They could be making you go bald. Certain blood thinners and psychiatric drugs have been known to have this side effect.

Start drinking water! You’ve probably heard this before and is always true. One of the main causes of hair loss is the lack of nutrients, moisture and the high amount of toxins in the body. The toxins stop essential nutrients from going to the hair follicles and scalp – which causes hair to thin and fall out.

Eat lots of protein. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and walnuts are packed with protein and minerals, which has been linked to hair loss prevention ( with good results in chemotherapy patients). Get your daily Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and natural oils such as Fish oil and Flax seed oils. Amino acids and oils will boost your body’s ability to cut down the hair loss.

Eat at least 1 gramme of protein per a pound of your bodyweight every day. Try ground beef and fish ( as organic as possible). Also, try incorporating foods high in iron and vitamin B if you are deficient.

Increase the intake of fruits and dark green leafy vegetables as they have strong anti-inflammatory properties, and contain powerful antioxidants that will help protect your hair follicles and promote hair growth.

What to avoid:

  • alcohol (alcohol increases estrogen levels)
  • sugars and saturated fats (animal fats from meats)

Eating less processed food and junk food can contribute to faster hair regeneration.

Buy yourself a quality, natural hair loss product

This is important. Out of all the products you see on the market choose the ones that are natural and contain no preservatives. Check out the reviews and get something that works because hair re-growth is a serious issue. You don’t want to contaminate your scalp and hair body with chemical ingredients that don’t work. Make sure the products you choose have no side effects. Buy a shampoo or/and conditioner with natural ingredients as you want to give your hair the natural therapy/treatment it needs.
Try a natural remedy, such as an essential oil massage, hot oil treatment, or a green tea rinse.

You can use any natural oil, including safflower and canola or olive oil. Put on a shower cap for about an hour. When the hour is up, rinse or shampoo out the oil.Take care of the hair that you have and avoid wigs or hairpieces, as they can damage hair follicles. Lastly, consider taking vitamins.

Stress and hair loss: Are they related?

Does stress make you lose hair? YES! Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realise it yet. You may think illness or extreme fatigue are to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent insomnia, losing hair or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the cause.Generally speaking, it is not the stress, but the ability to deal with stress that makes the difference in people losing hair due to stress.

How can you reduce stress?

1.Let out your feelings – If you are stressed or feeling negative about your hair call a friend or join a group. Otherwise, there is always your Doctor or Counsellor.

2.Visualisation and affirmation – Before going to sleep every night visualise the type of hair you would want to have. In bed close your eyes look about 30 degrees (1 o’ clock position of a clock) in an upward direction. It is thought that we look at the future in an optimistic light doing this. Make the vision in colour – bright, large and alive – almost as though you could touch, feel and see it.Add as much clarity to it as you can – including the colour of the hair you would like, its texture, thickness and style. If you are struggling with this – just remember it is only a dream, a goal. Remember a belief is strong but a conviction has more certainty – that is what it must be! Dream of your vision last thing before sleeping. Affirm to yourself, ideally speaking aloud “I have lovely healthy, strong hair.”

3.Relax more – Find an activity that makes you feel happy. If you don’t know what they are, make a list of possible activities, even small ones such as reading. Try laughing more as a way of relaxing.

4.Associate with happy people or those who have a positive outlook to life. Read books and articles that are positive in nature. Going to self-development seminars can help too.

5.Write out your complaints or troubles on one page and on the other side of the page write the answer(s) to your problem.

6.Have a Massage –To find a masseur visit or or use your local telephone directory or do an Internet search for a list of Therapists. Massage therapy can relax muscles and increase blood flow to skin and muscles. This would also help relieve mental and emotional stress.

7.Learn to say no when you don’t want to do something or you have imposed unrealistic demands on yourself. Be honest with yourself.

8.It is not what you say but how you say it – learn to say something effectively without offending others or feeling ignored.

9.You can only change yourself – avoid saying or thinking “if only he, if only she, if only they”. Rather think more “what can I change about myself to make my situation better.”

10. Sometimes accepting that things are the way they are and you cannot do anything about the situation helps.

Can ancient Indian herbs help in hair thinning or hair loss

Can ancient Indian herbs help in hair thinning or hair loss

Losing hair? Decreased self-esteem or confidence?  Can you do anything to stop or slow hair thinning or hair loss?  Can ancient Indian or Ayurveda herbs minimize or stop hair loss?

Some Ayurvedic doctors believe that some traditional herbs have a place in hair thinning or hair loss

Amla or Indian gooseberry is packed with Vitamin C, an antioxidant and has been used for centuries in ancient Egypt, China and India. This is why it is used in supplements such as our Nutrigro capsules to make the hair look and feel richer.

Tea tree oil is a natural remedy that helps fight bacterial and fungal infestations on the scalp as well as fight against dandruff

Fenugreek is another herb rich in minerals such as Magnesium and Iron- vital ingredients for growing healthy hair.

Hair is 97% protein and so it is vital that you eat the 22 amino acids that make protein.  If you cannot get it in your diet a food supplement can help.

Men and women sometimes lose hair due to different reasons. For men this could be due to the change of Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone resulting in premature hair loss. For this, herbs such  Saw Palmetto can help. In post menopausal or women reaching menopause an oestrogen rich supplement such as soya could help.  Needless to say that having all the necessary vitamins and minerals required for healthy growth of hair is vitally important.

Ravi Bhanot

Video ‘How the Nutrigro Plan works – click here. To read The Nutrigro Plan:  HAIR TODAY … HAIR TOMORROW BOOK.

Nutrigro Products click here.

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Tired, putting on weight and losing hair? Here’s what you can do

Question from Jeena:

I have been going bald since I turned 40. I am constantly tired, putting on weight and losing hair. I eat reasonably well and using Nutrigro shampoo. I have to brush my hair in a certain way to hide the baldness. What can I do?

These symptoms are not uncommon for a lot of women who are in their 40′s

If you are eating well and using a non-harsh chemical shampoo it may be due to hypothyroidism or inactive thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located at the base of the neck that produces a number of thyroid hormones of which one is called “Thyroxine” or “T4″.

Hair loss  can be  one of the first signs of an underactive thyroid

Because the thyroid affects your  metabolism and cell growth, when the thyroid gland  slows down, your hair loss speeds up. Your Doctor can  organize a thyroid test or you can purchase a simple pin prick blood Home Kit. It costs £30.You can get this  from us.

Also check out if you are a pre-diabetic

This means that you may have impaired glucose intolerance―blood glucose levels higher than normal, but not quite high enough to qualify you as a patient with Type 2 diabetes. A pre-diabetic condition can lead to many hormonal symptoms such as tiredness, increased belly fat and thinning of the hair. Start a low-glycemic and low-inflammation diet. Email us for a diet sheet.

AVOID simple carbohydrates, added sugar, alcohol and dairy

Eat foods that are high in fibre, healthy in fats and high in protein. These foods will slow down the digestion process and in turn result in a decrease in glucose and insulin spikes after each meal. This will not only help balance your hormones and give you a healthier head of hair, but will also leave you feeling fuller longer and help you lose weight.

Sometimes an iron deficiency can be a cause

Eat food rich in iron e.g. green leafy salads. Other essential nutrients for a healthy head of hair includes biotin, which you can get from eating two eggs a day and Vitamin D, that can come from added sunshine or recommended supplements such as Nutrigro Hair Food Capsules or Noukrin capsules.

My 4 top foods to help boost the thyroid gland are:

1. Edible Seaweed – full of iodine-essential for a healthy thyroid gland-have 2 tablespoons daily.

2. Miso soup has a lot of zinc in it. Iodine and zinc work together to increase thyroid hormone production. Email for a quick Miso soup recipe with an Indian kick.

3. Vitamin A Foods can help rev up your thyroid just enough to get it functioning at a good level. Daily sources of vitamin A include ½ cup of sweet potatoes.

4. Selenium – 2 Brazil nuts daily will provide food for normal thyroid functioning.


Hair loss in women – a time bomb?

For one in four women hair loss is a potentially devastating problem they may suffer from

For one in four women hair loss is a potentially devastating problem they may suffer from. But the good news is you can do something behind this statistic. There’s some new research behind the science of hair loss.

Stress has always been known to be one of the top reasons for female hair loss, or telogen effluvium.

New research shows the second highest predictor of central hair loss in women is their marital status. Divorce or death of a partner can actually cause thinning of hair. In women, there can be other reasons for hair loss including diet, major surgery, poor self-image, lack of exercise, storing toxins, weight loss or medications.

To keep your hair for longer try the NUTRIGRO PLAN.

As I have said in my book Hair Today …Hair Tomorrow “the body almost says you are going to lose hair at a certain time. The secret is to learn to forestall that time.”

Nutrition. Ensure you are eating a good source of protein, biotin and iron supplements. A new study found that excessive drinking and smoking can also increase the risk for hair loss in women. During or after menopause reduced oestrogen can cause hair loss. Increase in oestrogen rich foods such as soya and tofu, consider hormone replacement therapy or a hair food supplement.

Use non-harsh chemical hair products that contain the Lauryl Sulphates or Ammonia and do not excessively style your hair. A recent American study shows 30 percent of middle-aged black women are balding due to using harsh chemical products, too tight braiding and ponytails that are pulling the hair. Try setting your hair dryer on low, your styling equipment to 160 degrees Centigrade for thinning hair, 190 degrees for normal and 220 degrees for thick hair and try to limit heating your hair locks to maximum three times a week.

Train or exercise has shown to help better blood flow and hence nutrients to the scalp. Simple exercises such as walking or running will help. Try 20 minutes exercise at least three times a week at a brisk speed of 50% faster than your normal pattern.

Remove toxin build up on the scalp and body regularly. Massage the scalp regularly. Try massaging whilst shampooing. To learn the technique of ayurvedic head massage and shampooing email me. The ancient Indian technique of using hot and cold water whilst washing hair can help in hair loss.

Imagine the hair you want.

Paulo Coelho rightly says “Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.”

The growth of hair is best achieved doing the above.

Ravi Bhanot

Losing hair? Try these tips

If you are losing hair try these tips: Hair loss isn’t just for middle-aged men but is affecting more and more women under 40.

1. Choose non-harsh shampoo. Look at the ingredients on your shampoo bottle and try to avoid products containing the chemicals sodium lauryl sulphate, petroleum and silicone. These chemicals are commonly used in many shampoos to “foam up” but they can irritate your scalp.

2. Does your scalp need some tender loving care? You should try to massage your scalp at least twice a week with a few drops of serums such as Nutrigro serum. A scalp massage releases tension in your forehead and scalp to aid blood. Using your fingertips, massage in small circular motions near your temples, and then move your fingers out over the rest of your scalp. For more details email us at

3. Use less of your appliances. Overuse of hair dyes, hair gel, hair dryers and curling irons can aggravate the problem of hair loss. If you have to use a hair dryer, switch it to the lowest and coldest setting. Also avoid using hair straighteners or curlers on very wet hair.

4. Make your hair healthy by eating the “right” foods. Hair is essentially protein, so make sure you eat high-quality meat, oily fish, poultry or eggs. Your diet should also include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, olive oil, live yogurt, nuts and seeds. Reduce dairy foods, caffeine, sugar and salt. If you live on a “fast” food diet you may be missing out on some or all of the 22 amino acids to make the protein for hair. In this case take a food supplement which contains all the amino acids, vitamins and minerals required for healthy hair.

5. Consider some Iron. Iron is a key in maintaining healthy locks. If you are a vegetarian, try an iron supplement.

6. Ask for some advice! Though some hair loss is normal – we can shed up to 100 hairs a day – it can be a sign of stress, poor diet and lifestyle factors. If the problem of hair loss continues for an extended period of time, see your doctor as there might be a more serious underlying cause.

By Ravi Bhanot